10.1.6 Photosynthesis and limiting factors

Cards (5)

  • Photosynthesis
    The process by which plants make carbohydrates using light energy from the sun
  • Measuring rates of photosynthesis - Method 1

    1. Plants respire as well as photosynthesise
    2. Aerobic respiration: Oxygen + glucose -> carbon dioxide + water (+energy)
  • Measuring rates of photosynthesis - Method 2

    1. Fill test tube/measuring cylinder with water
    2. Invert it
    3. Gas displaces water
    4. Add graduations to measure volume
    5. Allow plant to adjust then start timer
    6. Can also collect gas in syringe
  • Factors to investigate using this apparatus
  • Describing a limiting factor graph
    • Need to state relationships AND quote comparative data sets (using units)