10.1.1 Plant Cells and Magnification

Cards (8)

  • Plant cell membrane
    Made of lipids and proteins, controls substances that can enter and leave the cell
  • Plant cell wall
    Made of cellulose, a carbohydrate made from glucose molecules, gives the plant cell structure and withstands high pressures
  • Plant cells
    • Have a cell wall and a cell membrane (the cell wall is on the outside)
    • The cell is full of water (turgid) but does not burst due to the cell wall
  • Chloroplasts
    Contain chlorophyll, which absorbs light energy, used by the plant to make glucose in photosynthesis
  • Plants are called 'producers' as they can make their own organic nutrients
  • Micrometer (µm)
    1000 µm = 1 mm
  • Magnification
    Magnification = Image size / actual size, units must be the same (ie. both mm or both µm)
  • Plant cells are between 10 and 100 micrometres (µm) in size