A form of cell division that gives rise to genetic variation
Main role is production of haploid gametes and maintenance of chromosome number
Cells produced have half the number of chromosomes (reduction division). Produces genetically different cells.
Genetic Variation
1. Crossing over - exchange of sections of DNA between homologous chromosomes
2. Random fusion of gametes
3. Independent assortment - various combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes distributed between two daughter cells
Chromosome mutations
Changes to the structure or number of chromosomes (causing aneuploidy)
Types of chromosome mutations
Translocation (swapping of genes, not between alleles in a homologous pair). It involves breaking off one chromosome and joining to another, can be balanced or unbalanced
Happens as a result of non-disjunction, where either homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate
Results of aneuploidy
More than two chromosomes in a pair (polysomy) - e.g. Down's Syndrome (trisomy 21)
Less than two chromosomes in a pair (monosomy) - e.g. Turner's Syndrome (monosomy of sex chromosomes)