The ferryman’s arms

Cards (44)

  • Given somewhere to stand
    Would be able to stop death if possible but it is not
  • "Globe- the ball is a metaphor for the world: '"'
  • “As physics itself becomes something negotiable“ - paradox as physics cannot be altered.
  • "Rash of small miracles:
  • "Rash spreads fast; many: '"'
  • "Small miracles" when we can't explain things through science, we turn to religion. We rely on miraculous events to fill the gap in our knowledge -implies the uncertainty of the space between life and death.: '"'
  • "Immaculate clearance" another miracle like the immaculate conception: '"'
  • Literally describes sinking the black ball and the white ball rebounding
    Also foreshadows the leaving/staying of the split self at the end of the poem
  • "A low punch” + "dab“ sneaky, violent action - unexpected victim. A bit like death.
  • "The vanishing trick"- definite article "the" could signify death-"vanishing act "dying): '"'
  • "Black “+"white stopped"- regular rhythm stops with "stopped". Again the black and white represents duality (life and death?) and action-reaction: '"'
  • "Gently" + "as if nothing had happened" +"shoulderingpersonification of the white ball -paradoxical nonchalance. Also foreshadows leaving other 'self' at the end of the turning point: '"'
  • Describes the speaker leaving the pub and going to catch his boat/ferry
  • The boat
    Charon's Ferry
  • Chugged
    Pleasant connotations
  • tout breaking the skin of the water
    Silence and stealthiness connotes other worldliness
  • Stretching

    Long expanse of water
  • As black as my snout: 'Parenthesis contains simile and brings back the idea if dualism and drinking-links the Guinness to water. Both things used to transport and hide things.'
  • Charon
    Ferryman from Greek Mythology and the river Styx
  • Title
    • Reference to Charon and the river Styx
  • Lines 1-4
    • Introduces ideas about duality and division
  • "Ferryman"
    Double meaning - name of pub or being carried in Charon's arms
  • "Half-pint"

    He's not there for long
  • "Magnetized"
    Word choice - uncontrollable
  • "Like a moth, to the darkened back room"

    Ironic as moths are normally drawn to light (something that kills them) and could imitate a soul being drawn to the underworld
  • "Darkened back room"
    Sense of mystery and isolation
  • The following lines introduce the idea of split self
  • Word choice "Kill" + "hell"

    Connotations of the afterlife and this sense of menace is expanded from the opening lines
  • "looked around for a cue"
  • "While I stood with my back turned"
  • "Parched D" + "Threadbare" - suggests neglect and its well-worn but has a thirst for survival = fighting against death.
  • Literally the worn table has become an unpredictable surface to play on
  • " could screw back"
  • "Somewhere unspeakable"
    Connotes evil/darkness. Possibly from the River Styx and The Underworld. - sense of the inexplicable in reference of unable to speak- possible connection between incoherence of drunkenness and the difficulty of understanding life.
  • "Speaker boards ferry"
    An act of the dead
  • "Nutter's persistence"
    Disturbing imagery
  • "To read and re-read the shoreline"

    it can take more then once to read something and know what it says when your drunk
  • "I got aboard early"
    Leaves before he should- ideas of premature death.
  • "remembering the ferry would leave on the hour"

    Death follows its own laws and waits for no man. Almost unstoppable.
  • "Only for my losing opponent"

    This is both nobody and himself. The speaker is at once the winner and the looser, presence and absence, life and death.