Would be able to stop death if possible but it is not
"Globe- the ball is a metaphor for the world: '"'
“As physics itself becomes something negotiable“ - paradox as physics cannot be altered.
"Rash of small miracles: ”
"Rash spreads fast; many: '"'
"Small miracles" when we can't explain things through science, we turn to religion. We rely on miraculous events to fill the gap in our knowledge -implies the uncertainty of the space between life and death.: '"'
"Immaculate clearance" another miracle like the immaculateconception: '"'
Literally describes sinking the blackball and the white ball rebounding
Also foreshadows the leaving/staying of the split self at the end of the poem
"A low punch” + "dab“ sneaky,violent action - unexpectedvictim. A bit like death.
"The vanishing trick"- definite article "the" could signify death-"vanishing act "dying): '"'
"Black “+"white stopped"- regular rhythm stops with "stopped". Again the black and white represents duality (life and death?) and action-reaction: '"'
"Gently" + "as if nothing had happened" +"shouldering“ personification of the white ball -paradoxicalnonchalance. Also foreshadows leaving other 'self' at the end of the turningpoint: '"'
Describes the speaker leaving the pub and going to catch his boat/ferry
The boat
Charon's Ferry
Pleasant connotations
tout breaking the skin of the water
Silence and stealthiness connotes other worldliness
Long expanse of water
As black as my snout: 'Parenthesis contains simile and brings back the idea if dualism and drinking-links the Guinness to water. Both things used to transport and hidethings.'
Ferryman from Greek Mythology and the river Styx
Reference to Charon and the river Styx
Lines 1-4
Introduces ideas about duality and division
Double meaning - name of pub or being carried in Charon's arms
He's not there for long
Word choice - uncontrollable
"Like a moth, to the darkened back room"
Ironic as moths are normally drawn to light (something that kills them) and could imitate a soul being drawn to the underworld
"Darkened back room"
Sense of mystery and isolation
The following lines introduce the idea of split self
Word choice "Kill" + "hell"
Connotations of the afterlife and this sense of menace is expanded from the opening lines
"looked around for a cue"
"While I stood with my backturned"
"Parched D" + "Threadbare" - suggests neglect and its well-worn but has a thirst for survival = fighting against death.
Literally the worn table has become an unpredictable surface to play on
" could screw back"
"Somewhere unspeakable"
Connotes evil/darkness. Possibly from the River Styx and The Underworld. - sense of the inexplicable in reference of unable to speak- possible connection between incoherence of drunkenness and the difficulty of understanding life.
"Speaker boards ferry"
An act of the dead
"Nutter's persistence"
Disturbing imagery
"To read and re-read the shoreline"
it can take more then once to read something and know what it says when your drunk
"I got aboard early"
Leaves before he should- ideas of premature death.
"remembering the ferry would leave on the hour"
Death follows its own laws and waits for no man. Almost unstoppable.
"Only for my losing opponent"
This is both nobody and himself. The speaker is at once the winner and the looser, presence and absence, life and death.