Cards (28)

  • Demand - The amount of need of certain products or goods for consumption
  • Service Industry - it implies to the quantity of services that are required from the firms
  • Yield Management - also known as revenue management
  • Facilities - resources that pertain to handling of customers to store goods and services
  • Labor - refers to human elements that manipulate the process
  • Single line to multiple servers - type of queue known as snake
  • Balanced Demand and Supply at Optimum Capacity - ideal situation for both organization and customers
  • Random Demand Fluctuations - weather condition of an area
  • Demand Patterns by Market Segment - analysis of the profile of an organization customer
  • Price - Use price and nonmonetary cost to manage demand
  • Product - Change product elements
  • Place - Modify place and time of delivery
  • Promotion - promotion and education
  • Optimal Capacity - fully utilized but not overused
  • Maximum Capacity - fully utilized, leading to customer dissatisfaction
  • Time - primary constraints
  • Labor - critical constraint
  • Equipment - critical for those dependent on machineries
  • Facilities - such as rooms, bath areas and tables also limit the capacity
  • Strategies in Modifying Demand to Match Existing Capacity - Communicate with customers, Modify Timing and Location of service delivery, Offer incentives for Off peak usage, Set priorities, Charge Full Price
  • Strategies in Adjusting Capacity to Meet Demand - Increase capacity temporarily, Adjust use of resources, Increase demand to match Capacity
  • Increase Capacity Temporarily - Extend people, use part time employees, Cross training employees, Outsource activities, Rent or Share
  • Adjust use of resources - Schedule downtime, Perform maintenance, Schedule vacations, Modify facilities, Perform Self service, Ask customers to share, Create flexibility Capacity
  • Chase demand strategy - aims to modify service resources to go after the demand curve
  • Increase Demand to Match Capacity - Educate Customers, Convert how the facility is Used, Modify the service offering, Differentiate on Price
  • Productive Capacity - resources or assets that organization utilize to manufacture goods and render services
  • Equipment - important element of capacity
  • Infrastructure - public and private structures