Chloasma hyperpigmentation of the skin characterized by yellowish brown patches or spots.
Comedo blackhead, discolored dried sebum plugging an excretory duct of the skin.
decubitusulcer - lesion due to impaired circulation in a portion of the body surface caused by prolonged pressure especially from a bed or chair. Also known as bedsore.
Dermatomycosis - fungal infection of the Skin caused by dermatophytes, yeasts and other fungi.
Desquamation shedding of the epidermis.
Ecchymosis - skin discoloration consisting of large, irregularly formed hemorrhagic area with color changing from blue-black to greenish-brown or yellow.
Eczema - inflammatory skin disease with erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, scales, crusts, and scabies, either alone or in combination.
Erythema - inflammatory redness of the skin.
Eschar - damaged tissue following a severe burn.
Hirsutism - condition characterized by excessive growth of hair or presence of hair in unusual places
Impetigo - inflammatory skin disease characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture.
lentigo - small brown macules or yellow or brown pigmented areas of skin, sometimes caused by exposure to the sun and weather.
keratosis - thickened area of the epidermis, any horny growth on the skin. (i.e., callus or wart).
pallor - unnatural paleness or absence of color in the skin.
pediculosis infestation with lice, transmitted by personal contact of common use of brushes, combs and headgear.
pemphigus - acute or chronic adult disease characterized by the occurrence of successive crops of vesicles (bullae) that appear suddenly on apparently normal skin and then disappear, leaving pigmented spots.
petechia, petechiae - minute or small hemorrhagic spot on the skin (petechia is a small version of ecchymosis)
pruritus - an itching
psoriasis - chronic skin disease characterized by itching and red macules, papules or plaques covered with silvery scales.
Purpura - any of several bleeding disorders characterized by hemorrhage into the tissues, particularly beneath the skin or mucous membranes, producing petechiae or ecchymoses.
Scabies - contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite.
Tinea - any fungal skin disease, frequently caused by ringworm.
Urticaria - allergic reaction of the skin characterized by the eruption of pale red elevated patches called wheals (hives).
Vitiligo - localized loss of skin pigmentation characterized by milk white patches.
Verruca (warts) - epidermal growth caused by a virus, which includes plantar warts, juvenile warts, and venereal warts, removable by cryosurgery, electrocautery, or acids, able to regrow if virus remains in the skin.