Euthanasia Judaism

Cards (11)

  • Jews are largely agaisnt euthanasia
  • Active euthanasia is seen as murder
  • life doesnt belong to us and we cannot end it , only God decides when it ends
  • One hour of life is worth the same worth as seventy years
  • The Talmud says ‘Let not your heart convince you that the grave is your escape...’ Ethics of the Fathers 4.22
    both the living and the dead are accountable to God
  • Euthanasia cannot be seen as an escape from Gods judgement
  • Medicine that relieves pain can be administered even if it brings death quicker
  • Intentions are what’s important -
    if intention is to relieve pain but death comes quicker it’s accepted
  • Jews can pray to God to end a person suffering but actions to shorten or end someone’s life is wrong
  • Some Jews believe that life support machine can be turned off if the patient has no chance of recovery
  • believe drs shouldn’t make a person suffer by artificially extending their life