Howpeople makes decisions about what products or services to buy, and how things like advertisinginfluenceconsumers
Direct Attribute Priming
Highlighting a productsfeatures or "attributes" in an advert/asking directquestions to consumer's about what attributes of a product affect purchasing behaviour.
Indirect Attribute Priming
Priming the attributes that are linked with a product/brand and not the the productitself
Brand Priming
When a name or logo of a brand influences our thoughts, feelings, and howwerespond to the product
Authority Bias
Consumers assigning morecredibility to the opinion if an authorityfigure/"expert" promoting a brand or product
Family groups
Mostsignificant influence as it shapes the consumersattitudes,lifestylechoices, and behaviours from a young age and is usually the main "decision maker".
Reference groups
People consumers compare themselves to. This can be informal(friends), formal (clubs), or opinion leader (celebrities)
Social Class Groups
Disposableincomeaffects consumers purchases as to whether they are being purchased out of necessity or out of luxury
Bandwagon Effect
Tendency to make purchasingdecisionsbases on what most otherpeople are doing (similar to normative social influence)
Social Proof
Tendency that when unsure about what product or brand to purchase they look at what others are doing, believing they are betterinformed (similar to informational social influence)
Expert stamp of approval
Influencer/industry thought leader approved the product/brand
Celebrity endorsement
Celebrity promotes the product on social media or in public
User testimonials
Previoususers of the product/brand talk positively about the product/brand
"Wisdom of the crowd"
Appears to our "fear of missing out"/lots of people buying the product so you do too
"Wisdom of your friends"
Similar to "wisdom of the crowd" but we trust out friends recommendations more since we knowthem