Consumer Behaviour

Cards (15)

  • What is consumer behaviour?
    How people makes decisions about what products or services to buy, and how things like advertising influence consumers
  • Direct Attribute Priming

    Highlighting a products features or "attributes" in an advert/asking direct questions to consumer's about what attributes of a product affect purchasing behaviour.
  • Indirect Attribute Priming

    Priming the attributes that are linked with a product/brand and not the the product itself
  • Brand Priming

    When a name or logo of a brand influences our thoughts, feelings, and how we respond to the product
  • Authority Bias

    Consumers assigning more credibility to the opinion if an authority figure/"expert" promoting a brand or product
  • Family groups

    Most significant influence as it shapes the consumers attitudes, lifestyle choices, and behaviours from a young age and is usually the main "decision maker".
  • Reference groups

    People consumers compare themselves to. This can be informal(friends), formal (clubs), or opinion leader (celebrities)
  • Social Class Groups

    Disposable income affects consumers purchases as to whether they are being purchased out of necessity or out of luxury
  • Bandwagon Effect

    Tendency to make purchasing decisions bases on what most other people are doing (similar to normative social influence)
  • Social Proof

    Tendency that when unsure about what product or brand to purchase they look at what others are doing, believing they are better informed (similar to informational social influence)
  • Expert stamp of approval

    Influencer/industry thought leader approved the product/brand
  • Celebrity endorsement
    Celebrity promotes the product on social media or in public
  • User testimonials

    Previous users of the product/brand talk positively about the product/brand
  • "Wisdom of the crowd"
    Appears to our "fear of missing out"/lots of people buying the product so you do too
  • "Wisdom of your friends"

    Similar to "wisdom of the crowd" but we trust out friends recommendations more since we know them