Write a narrative account of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 1979
1. April 1978, Taraki leads a communist revolution in Afghanistan leading to the deaths of many Muslims
2. Brezhnev concerned about the spread of Islamic fundamentalism in USSR - which contained 30m Muslims - it could threaten Communist control
3. December 1979 - more than 50,000 Soviet troops were sent to Afghanistan to defeat the mujahideen
4. The war was not going well with many Afghan soldiers leaving the army and joining the jihad - the USSR had to send more and more troops
5. US President Carter was under increasing pressure to show that he was not a weak leader after students in Iran took hostages at the Iranian embassy - making the USA look vulnerable
6. USA did not force Soviet troops to leave Afghanistan and when it became clear that the USA were supplying the mujahideen, relations between the USA and USSR were at their lowest point since the Cuban Missile Crisis - it was the end of Detente