do not rub the area, use an eye bath solution, sterilesaline or tap water
Spilling of Chemicals
deal with immediately, use a spillage kit, this contains an absorbent towel, PPE, forceps for glass and disinfectant
Examples of Local Lab Rules
authorised personnel only
no food in the lab
no smoking
PPE must be worn at all times
Spillage of Chemicals on the Skin
irrigate the area with sterilesaline or cold tap water and remove the contaminated clothing
Health and SafetyPolicies
placed in an easily visualised area and read by all staff and members
major and fatal accidents
if resulted in more than 3 days off
dangerous occurrences and near death
all accidents reported in the accident book
health and safety commission, they oversee and enforce health and safety
Why is Health and Safety Important?
it prevents accidents and protects personnel from risks within the workplace
Cuts and Abrasions
clean the area with a saline solution and apply a clean dressing
MajorBreak with the Release of Aerosols
if noxious fumes release, occupants of the room should leave to allow for dissipation and a trained personnel with PPE should thoroughly clean the room
patient should be removed to fresh air, do ABCs where required
cleaning solvents can cause headaches and vomiting, leading to unconsciousness
relates to household or industrial establishments waste
Simple Breakages
place paper towel over debris and pour disinfectant, residue may need to be cleaned using spillage kit, brush up glass with dustpan and place in sharps bin