biological explanation

Cards (10)

  • Atavistic form explanation of offending behaviour
    Proposes individuals are born with a criminal personality and is a throwback to earlier species
  • Lombroso's view of criminals

    • Savaged, untamed, and lacking evolutionary development
  • Lombroso's research

    1. Examined 383 dead criminals' skulls
    2. Examined 3839 living criminals
    3. Concluded 40% of crimes could be explained by atavistic form
  • Physical characteristics Lombroso associated with criminals

    • Strong prominent jawline
    • High cheekbones
    • Facial asymmetry
    • Dark skin
    • Existence of extra toes, nipples, or fingers
    • Bloodshot eyes
    • Curly hair
    • Long ears
    • Glinting eyes
    • Swollen fleshy lips
    • Projecting ears
  • Many modern researchers have branded Lombroso and his atavistic theory as racist
  • Just because an individual had certain atavistic characteristics, does not mean that they are or are destined to become criminal
  • Lombroso's dated methodology did not use statistical analysis or a control group from another culture and non-criminals
  • Researcher later completed a study and found no significant differences between criminals and non-criminals, except the prisoners were slightly smaller
  • Strengths of Lombroso's theory

    • Took a more interactionist approach, considering the inherited atavistic form would also interact with the environment the individual lived in
  • Lombroso's theory is still considered deterministic as he is proposing that factors outside individuals' control are responsible for criminal behaviour