Hitlers road to power

Cards (5)

  • what happened in the 1930 Reichstag elections?

    -Nazis gained 107 seats

    -Heinrich brunig became chancellor and was unpopular for raising taxes and cutting benefits
  • what happened in the 1932 presidential elections?

    -Hitler ran for president against Hindenburg and was close to winning

    -Hitler had 13.4 million votes and Hindenburg had 19.3 million

    -shows how popular Hitler was and how Weimar republic was losing support
  • When did Hitler become Chancellor?
    January 1933
  • how did Hitler become chancellor?

    -Von Papen continued to plot against von Schleicher with Hindenburg and right wing parties in the Reichstag
    -Von Schleicher said that if they supported Hitler as chancellor they could control him
    -Reluctantly Hindeburg agreed to appoint Hitler
  • how did big businesses help Hitler become chancellor?

    -39 business men wrote a letter to Hindenburg demanding his appointment to save the country from communists