Swimming is one of the basic skills that one has to learn and practice at a young age. Such water activities can be good for ones health
Moving arms and legs through the water develops muscle strength while floating in the water enhances one's balance
Swimming is a skill practiced by humans since the historic times.
swimming became a competition during the first ever swimming race which was held in Europe in 1800 after the constructions of swimming pools.
The freestyle, which is commonly referred to as the front crawl or the forward crawl was the first used in the swimming race followed by the breaststroke.
the basic swimming skills are breathing, coordination, breaststroke, Freestyle or front crawl
breathing - it is the ability to time your breaths. It is often overlooked basic skill.
Coordination - This is the ability in which you have to move your arms and legs in tandem. Gliding in water means pushing your body to move forward with your hard first then, with kicking and pedaling using your legs and feet.
Breaststroke - It is to glide down in water with the front body down, moving both arms together from the chest and away to push the water
Freestyle or frontcrawl - This is the fastest among all the swimming strokes.
The sport, swimming developed through the years, aside from the basic freestyles and breaststroke, more styles were discovered. These are the backstroke and the butterfly stroke which were used during the Athens Olympics
1800 - Competitive swimming started in Europe
1844 - The freestyle was first seen in the swimming race in london
1873 - Breaststroke, The second style used in swimming was introduced
1896 - Swimming was included in the Athen Olympics
1900 - Backstroke, The third style of used in swimming was introduced
1953 - Butterfly stroke, a variation of breaststroke was introduced