other views of science and sociology

Cards (4)

  • other views of sociology and science
    1. popper
    2. Kuhn
    3. realism - keat and urry
  • popper
    believes much of sociology is unscientific because it consists of theories that cannot be put to the test of being falsified

    e.g Marxism predicts that there will be a revolution leading to a classless society, but that it has not yet happened because of the false consciousness of the proletariat. therefore cannot be falsified.
    1. fallacy of induction
    2. falsification
  • fallacy of induction
    popper argues we should reject verificationism due to fallacy of induction
    argues we can never prove a theory to be true by producing observations then verifiying them
    swan analogy - if we observe a large number of white swans, we make generalisation that all swans are white. but a single observation of a black saw ruins theory
  • falsification
    popper believes instead of verificationism we should use falsification
    proving social facts wrong but when tested stands up to all attempts to disprove it