Violentattacks conducted by terrorist organisation(s) beyond their county's borders to achieve their objectives and operations
Transnational terrorist groups
Al Qaeda
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI)
Transnational terrorist groups coordinate their operationsglobally using advancedcommunications and digital technology
Transnational terrorism
Can result in injuries, deaths and destruction of properties
Economiccosts and losses as businesses are disrupted
Can lead to distrust, fears and tensionsamong different communities
Can lead to hate crimes towards ethnic communities that are of similar religious or ethnic backgrounds to the terrorist groups
Disrupt harmony and destabilise the country
Increase the threat of self-radicalisation (due to the influence of propaganda)
Cyber threats
Unauthorisedaccess to online information systems and data
Types of cyber threats
Website defacement
Malware infection
Cyber attacks
Latitude Financial suffered a massivecyberattack that resulted databreach with customer records stolen from its system in 2023
Hackersinfiltrated the database of patients in SingHealth in Singapore in 2018 through a malware-infectedcomputerworkstation
Cyber threats
Can lead to identity-theft
Can lead to economic losses
Signs of self-radicalisation
Collecting news articles on terrorist groups
Surfing on radical websites for religious content
Uploading pro-terrorist materials on social media
Attempts to radicalise others
What individuals can do
Stay vigilant to tell-tale signs of self-radicalisation (family members/friends)
Stay vigilant in public to keep a look out for suspicious items and characters
Report to the authorities (e.g. police) when there are sufficient grounds for suspicion
Join/take part in community programmes that promote social harmony
Regional Counter-Terrorism Node (RCTN)
Enables police units in the Asia-Pacific region to work together and encourages the transfer of intelligence concerning terrorist activities
Set up by the International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL)
"Our Eyes" Initiative
Enhance strategic information-sharing on terrorism and radicalism
Set up by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Cooperation among countries
The threats cannot be tackled by a country alone
Helped the countries to prevent possible terrorist attacks and respond swiftly during terrorist incidents
Improve the countries' competency and effectiveness in tackling transnational terrorism
Government measures within the country
Border-management measures (monitoring and surveillanceinfrastructure for strictersecuritychecks; use of biometrics to verifyidentity)
Internal SecurityAct (ISA) (law used to investigatesecuritythreats like terrorism and acts of violen or hatred using race or religion; able to detain individuals who pose a security threat to Singapore)
Government measures within the country
Proactivelyprevent potential terroristattacks from occurring within the country
Able to act swiftly and decisively against dangers to security of Singapore
Provideguidance and socialsupport to reducere-engagement in terrorist-related activities and remainresilient to radical influences
What individuals can do
Install, update and maintainfirewalls, anti-virusprograms and detection software that protect against spyware and malware
Create strong password such as at least 8 characters long that include numbers, symbols, uppercase and lowercase
Changepasswords regularly
Be cautious when surfing websites by checking that it is secure (e.g. Lock symbol)
Do not click on instant messages, pop-ups and unexpected email links from unknown sources which may contain malware
What individuals can do
Ensure no securitylapses and improve one's cybersecurity
Made it more difficult for hackers to access our account and hack into the system
Reducevulnerability towards cyber attacks
Strengthen the security of cyberlandscape for individuals, organisations and country
Cooperation between
JointOperation between Singapore, Malaysia and HongKongSpecialAdministrativeRegion (SAR) (crackeddown on a criminalorganisation involved in at least a hundredcases of Internetlovescams across the 3 countries, used a system to shareinformation on the criminals and theiractivities)
Cooperation among countries
The threatscannot be tackled by a countryalone
Allowed the countries to have betterinformation and worked to close in and arrest the criminals
Improve the region'sawareness and competency in responding to cybersecurity challenges
Enhanced the ability of the differentcountries to tackle the cybersecuritychallengesswiftly
Strengthen the country's and the region'sprotectionagainstcyberthreats
Government measures within the country
CyberSecurityAgency of Singapore (CSA) (national agency to oversee and coordinate all aspects of cybersecurity, build resilient digital infrastructure to protectCriticalInformationInfrastructure(CII), enable a safercyberspace for businesses and individuals, enhanceinternationalcybercooperation, develop a vibrantcybersecurityecosystem, grow a robustcybertalentpipeline)
Government measures within the country
Continue to stay up to date with securitythreats and responses
Enhance the cybersecurity and cyber-resilience of the country at differentlevels (from individuals, organisations to government)
Improve the country'sability to trackrespondswiftly to securitythreats
Reduce the opportunities for hacking and be resilient enough to withstand against the differentcyberthreats