Border-management measures (monitoring and surveillanceinfrastructure for strictersecuritychecks; use of biometrics to verifyidentity)
Internal SecurityAct (ISA) (law used to investigatesecuritythreats like terrorism and acts of violen or hatred using race or religion; able to detain individuals who pose a security threat to Singapore)
JointOperation between Singapore, Malaysia and HongKongSpecialAdministrativeRegion (SAR) (crackeddown on a criminalorganisation involved in at least a hundredcases of Internetlovescams across the 3 countries, used a system to shareinformation on the criminals and theiractivities)
CyberSecurityAgency of Singapore (CSA) (national agency to oversee and coordinate all aspects of cybersecurity, build resilient digital infrastructure to protectCriticalInformationInfrastructure(CII), enable a safercyberspace for businesses and individuals, enhanceinternationalcybercooperation, develop a vibrantcybersecurityecosystem, grow a robustcybertalentpipeline)