effectiveness has been evidenced in research carried out on flying phobias
a study found with clients who had a fear of flying, showed less physiological signs of fear when ina flight simulator after 12-25 week treatment. results were observed when both in vitro and in vivo techniques used
strength as it demonstrates that it can be used to effectively reduce the symptoms of specific phobias
2. strength is that it is ethical
2. the ethic have been proven as moral
2. patients are gradually exposed to their phobias, they never exposed minimising stress anxiety lowering the risk of psychological harm. valid consent provided as client seeks out therapist along with right to withdraw
2. strength as it is morally right, within the well-being of patients in mind
3. limitation is it may not be appropriate for all phobias
3. been designed to treat phobias that are learnt through processes of counter conditioning. there are other theories about why phobias may occur
3. biological approach suggests it is not appropriate, zelig an suggests that humans are genetically programmed to learn phobias due to evolutionary past, biological preparedness.
3. limitation of the therapy because it would not be effective on ancient fear
4. Systematic desensitisation may only be effective in dealing with the symptoms of phobis.
4. For example, in Freud’s case of Little Hans, it was suggested his phobia of horses was due to his envy of his father (which was projected onto horses).
4. he was only cured when he accepted his feelings about his father
4. may appear to resolve a problem, if the cause is something else then it is likely the phobia would return or another phobia would appear in its place