Implies that the desert is larger and has survived for far longer than Ozymandias and his statue which shows his lack of power
“Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck”
Ruined statue shows that human achievements are insignificant
”Cold Command”
highlights Ozymandias’ absolute authority.
Ozymandias Poem was made by Percy Shelley in 1818
The statue of Ozymandias is suffocated by the desert, symbolising inevitable demise of power and the restoration of equality.
Ozymandias - Greek word meaning “to breathe” “to rule”
Shelley‘s acknowledgement of the sculptor, highlighting that the tyrannical rule of those such as Ozymandias has come at the expense of the exploitation of the vulnerable and weak
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed
“Half sunk, a shattered visage lies”
“It is a huge nothing that we fear”
Storm on the island
”Exploding comfortably”
Storm on the island
“His bloody life on my bloody hands”
“Sort of inside out”
Remains - colloquial language dehumanizes the looter to make it seem less real and adds more horrific nature to what they’ve done
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings”
Ozymandias - Caesura used to encourage the reader to recognise him and level at his presence.
“King of Kings”
Plosives have been used
repetition of consonant “K” creates reassuring, undisputable sounds.