Sex - refers to the biological characteristics of boy or a girl based on one's external and internal reproductive parts. Bodily or Physiological functions related to the reproductive system
Gender - Behavior and attitude based on one's sex. Refers to the roles and activities of a male or female member of society. Generally classified as masculine or feminine
Human Sexuality - The way you behave, express yourself, react, and interact. It is your total self including the physical, mental, socio-emotional, and ethnic parts of yourself.
Physical self - The way you look.
Mental self - The way you think.
Social self - The way you interact with others.
Emotional self - the way you feel about others.
Ethical self - The way you value your relationships.
Physical Dimension - Sexuality can be understood in its physical sense. The reproductive system and physical characteristics of men and women.
Psychological Dimension - A person's sexuality could also be shaped based on how a person views himself or herself. "Are you happy being a boy or a girl?"
Anorexia - Person thinks they're fat and refrain from eating.
Bulimia - binge eating followed by purging.
Positive body image - Good social relationship with others and enjoys sexuality.
Negative body image - Unhappy with failing relationships.
Sociocultural Dimension - A person's family, religion, and peers contribute to the development of one's identity. Cultural practices and the media also influence a person's view of his or her sexuality.
Family - Plays a crucial role in shaping children's behavior and awareness of sexuality. They learn from what they see and experience at home, including influences on clothing, toys, games, and hobbies.
Religious and spiritual belief - Strongly impact attitudes and behaviors towards sex, including views on premarital and extramarital relations.
Culture and Society - Different societies permit various arrangements such as arranged marriages, same-sex marriages, and polygamy.
Peers - Peer pressure creates a dilemma for youth, as acceptance within the group becomes crucial, leading to decisions that can profoundly impact their lives.
Media - Encompassing television, radio, movies, advertisements, and the Internet, plays a significant role in shaping teenage behavior.
Identity crisis - The feeling of not being sure about yourself and what purpose you have in life. Ex. (Others call teenagers "Tweens" because they are in between being children and adults.)
Sexual identity - Refers to a person's understanding and recognition of their own sexual orientation or preference. Refers to a person's understanding and recognition of their own sexual orientation or preference. Includes the LGBTQIA+
Peer Pressure - The influence of peers or friends on a person to act in a particular way.
Premarital sex - Getting involved in sexual activity with a partner out of marriage. Often leads to untimely teenage pregnancy.
Teenage pregnancy - Brings danger to both the mother and the baby. They tend to have prolonged labor. The helpless child is affected most.