Sequences near the 5' end of the coding region, including a TATA box and regulatory sequences recognized by transcription factors
General transcription factors
Assemble on the chromosome to allow RNA polymerase II to bind the promoter
Regulatory sequences that bind transcription factors to activate or increase transcription rate
Regulatory sequences that bind transcription factors to repress transcription
Mediator protein
Binds to the basal transcription apparatus and causes DNA bending to bring regulatory sequences close to the promoter
Helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif
A common structural motif in transcription factor domains that bind to DNA
Cell differentiation
1. Mediated by transcription factors that determine gene expression
2. Transcription factors first inhibit cell division, then control other differentiation processes
Eukaryotes coordinate expression of sets of genes by having common regulatory sequences that can be bound by the same transcription factors
Coordinated gene expression in land plants
Genes for drought stress response proteins have a common stress response element (SRE) that is bound by a transcription factor to stimulate mRNA synthesis