Compressibility have huge intermolecular spaces. By exertingpressure, spacecanbediminished and particles bought closer. Compression implies a decrease in volume.
Expansibility/Expandability is when pressureexerted, itcontracts. When pressurefreed, itexpands. Intermolecular pull become less prominent, gas volume increases. Gas expands when heated and contracts when cooled.
Diffusibility is the abilitytospreadout from higher concentration to lower concentration.
Liquefaction - gasesliquefy when sufficiently cooled.
Low Density is that when gaseshavelowdensity as companies with liquid and solid.
Volume of gas is equal to volume of container because gasoccupiesallspacesavailable in its vessels.
Pressure is the forceexertedbythegas molecules on the walls of its container divided by the surface area of the container.
Temperature is the averagekinetic energy of the particles of a gas and usually determined using a thermometer.