Energy Portraits of the USA and France

    Cards (5)

    • USA and France = 2 out of top 10 energy consuming countries
    • Total consumption in France = 1/10th of that of US due to:
      • Differences in population: 331.2 mn vs 65.2 mn
      • Climate: in US, larger areas experience greater extremes of heat and cold and counteracting these extremes requires large inputs of energy into heating and lighting as well as air conditioning
    • Fuels US Energy vs French Energy
      Carbon: 82% 50%
      Renewables: 11% 10%
      Nuclear Energy: 8% 41%
      France = major player in nuclear power industry and has over 50 nuclear reactors currently in operation
    • France = high dependency on imported supplies (46%)
      All natural gas and oils imported
      Uranium needed for its large number of nuclear power stations
    • USA = import only 15% of primary energy hence making USA altogether more secure