Organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory and culture
Companionship or friendly association with others
Thomas Hobbes - persons are governed by their desires often lead to conflict -“social contract”(agreement)
John Locke – person are more cooperative and reasonable known as “consent of the governed”
Jean Jacques Rousseau – people are one who organized society and established an authority “general will” – empowered the government to act on their behalf
John Rawls - human having a “veil of ignorance” - to seek a just and fair society
David Gauthier – peoples “self interest”, actions of individuals in meeting their individual needs
Common Good
desire to achieve the goal of survival
united and work together because of the natural desire for goodness
refers to social conditions which enable persons and groups to fulfill their goals and achieve well-being
peace and order
clean and safe public space
Hunting and Gathering Society – earliest and simplest, nomadic, members treated equally
Pastoral Society – domestication of animals for more stable food and supply, trade with other societies, engage in handicrafts
Horticultural society– scale cultivation and domestication, seminomadic, tasks assigned according to gender, often very family and clan oriented (restrictions by tradition)
Agrarian or agricultural society – improved technology and use of tools to aid in farming, structured social system often lead to conflict.
Feudal Society – ownership of the land – served by peasants(workers), higher classes – treated with respect
Industrial society – specialized machineries, innovations, transportation and communication, capitalists(most influential)
Post Industrial Society – based on knowledge, information and sale services led by human mind aided by highly technology, members are having higher educational attainment.
Virtual society – aided with technology and internet – human person still remains in the heart of the society as he or she drives social changes.
Interpersonal relations are made possible when the self becomes aware of the other, which includes everyone and everything outside of the self.
Interpersonal relations - means recognizing the self in the other
Intersubjectivity- is the interaction between the self and the other, which is the mutualrecognition of each other as persons.
Intersubjectivity- It is also defined as a unique relationship between distinct subjects
What characterizes a genuine human interaction?
A dialogue occurs when two persons “open up” to each other and give and receive one another in their encounter.
How does intersubjectivity define our interactions with other persons?
The human person is considered as a “being with others,” that human existence is continual dialogue with the other, and that the self become whole through interaction.
Is the ability to share emotions.
It is driven by a person’s awareness that the other is a person with thoughts and feelings.
Empathy enables us to experience another person’s emotion.
Sympathy is “feeling with,” while Empathy is “feeling in.”
Is the willingness of a person to be present and be at the disposal of another.
Alienation - This arises when a person ceases to view the other as a distinct and authentic person.