Collisiontheory explains how collisionbetweenreactantmolecules may or may not result in a successful chemical reaction.
Factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction
Surfacearea of reactants
Concentration of reactants
The colliding molecules should possess a minimumkineticenergy known as activation energy to start a chemical reaction.
Activationenergy is needed to breakthebond between reactant molecules toformnewbonds leading to formation of the products.
The reactantsmolecules should be in correctorientation when they collide.
Temperature - increasing the temperature, increases the rateofchemicalreaction. The higher the temperature, the higher kinetic energy of particles, the more they collide.
Surfaceareaofreactants - the smaller the sizeofparticle, the greater the surfacearea. Increasing the surface area speedsuptherate of reaction by increasing the collisions rate.
Catalyst is a substance that increasestherateofreaction.
Inhibitor is a substance that slowsdownorinhibitsreactionrates.
Concentrationofreactants - increasing the concentration of reactants, increases the rateofreaction. The more particles present, the more often they collide.
Acidrain - caused by nitrogen oxide and sulfurdioxide produces by both naturalprocesses and combustion of fossilfuels. This oxide reacts with oxygen and water to give nitric acid and sulfur acid.
Formationofozonelayer in the atmosphere begins with the photolysis of oxygen molecule by solarradiation of wavelength below 240 mm.
Carairbag - inside the airbag is gasgenerator containing a mixture of sodiumoxide, when the car undergoes ahead in a collision, series of three chemical reaction inside the gas generator produces gas to fill the airbag and convert NAN3 which is highlytoxic.
Photochemicalsmug is a type of airpollution that happens when primary pollutants such as nitrogenoxide and volatileorganic compounds reacts with O2 and ozone under the influence of sunlight.
Firecontrol - various materialsactsasfuel to sustain for different five prevention and control measure are recommended for ordinary combustible, flammableliquid or gases, electricalequipment and flammablemetals.
Corrosioncontrol is a naturalprocess which can convert a refinedmetalto a more chemicallystableforms such as its oxide, hydroxide, or sulfide. Is a gradual destruction of materials by chemical or electromechanical reaction with their environment.