Lipids is a fatlikemolecule and is major buildingblock of the cell of animals. Are organic meaning they contain carbon atoms and also contain hydrogen oxygen.
Roles of lipids
They serve as the highestenergy giving the body.
They actasinsulators by protecting animals from extreme cold.
They serve asaconstituent of the cytoplasm of a living cell.
They form a partofthestructure of the cellmembrane.
They serve as a buildingblock for many steroids.
Fats make up the largestcategoryoflipids and go by the terms triacilgliceroles, triglycerides, and glycero lipids. Nutrients in food that a body uses to build cell membranes, nerve tissue, and hormones.
Saturated is a lipid that existasasolid substance when it is at room temperature.
Unsaturatedfat is a lipid that existasaliquid when it is at room temperature.
Transfat is a lipid that has undergone a process called hydrogenation.
Steroids have nofattyacids but are also considered lipids.
Cholesterol is a steroid that is harmfultothebody because it causes heart ailments.
Bilesalts are lipids that are found in humanintestinalbile.
Sexhormones such as estrogen and testosterone.
Cortisol is a lipid that is produced and response to stress.
Waxes composed of fattyacids but are combined with a much longeralcoholmolecule. They are used as lubricants, polisher, and ointments. They also servedtoprotect the surfaceof some leaves.
Terpenesdonotcontainfattyacids but they are considered lipid because they are insolubleinwater but soluble in organicsolvents. They come from a compound known as isoprene.
Phosphoglyceride also known as phospholipids are important components of plasmamembrane as well as of other biological membranes.
Lethicin is found in egg yolk, brain, yeast, and liver, in actsas a emulsifyingagent.