renaissance causes and treatments of disease

Cards (24)

  • Supernatural
    Theories that are often spiritual or religious and rely on an element of faith
  • Natural
    Ideas based upon what could be observed in the real world, often more scientific
  • The Renaissance saw a move away from some Supernatural ideas, with a greater emphasis on natural or scientific medical theories
  • Prayer
    • Still very important in the Renaissance, but people were less likely to rely on it alone and would combine it with other treatments
  • There was less confessing of sins, particularly in Protestant areas where Catholics were persecuted
  • The religious reforms of Henry VII and Edward VI destroyed monasteries and shrines, ending the custom of pilgrimage in England
  • Humanism
    The idea of a return to ancient Greek and Roman thinking and extending people's knowledge of the natural world
  • The theory of the four humours could not easily explain epidemics and diseases that affected everyone in the same way
  • Physicians continued to use traditional humoral treatments like bloodletting and purging, as patients would not pay them to experiment
  • Miasma
    The belief that disease was spread by bad smells and evil fumes, the most commonly believed cause of disease
  • In 1526, Paracelsus theorized that disease was caused by problems with chemicals inside the body
  • In 1526, Girolamo Fracastoro theorized that disease was caused by seeds spread in the air, an idea closer to germs and viruses
  • In 1683, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek made the first recorded observation of bacteria, though they were not yet linked to disease
  • Germs were still thought to be the result of spontaneous generation, not the cause of decay
  • Continued traditional treatments

    • Bleeding
    • Purging
    • Sweating
  • Herbal remedies chosen for color or shape

    • Yellow herbs for jaundice
    • Red cures for smallpox
  • New remedies from the Americas

    • Sarsaparilla
    • Ipecacuanha
  • Transference
    The belief that an illness could be transferred to another object
  • Chemical cures

    • Mercury
    • Antimony
  • Syphilis, a new disease at the time, was treated with mercury despite its toxicity
  • Some causes and treatments stayed the same
    Religious beliefs, humoral theory
  • Some causes and treatments changed a little

    Decline in humoral theory, more humanist approach
  • Some causes and treatments were brand new

    Chemical imbalances, links to microorganisms, transference, chemical cures
  • Few of the new ideas for causes and treatments had a beneficial impact on people's health