Cards (47)

  • Safety test - what do you call the test that is made by the entrepreneur in order to ensure that the product is safe to use, safe to be consumed (food and
    beverages) and safe to applied?
  •  Manufacturing - translating rawmaterials into finishedgoods is a process called?
  • Insurance companies -  what do you call a type of financial institution that involves collecting premium from a large group of
    people who want to protect themselves and/or their loved ones against a particular loss.
  • Accountability, Integrity, Inconsistency - which of the following are guiding principles for financial management
  • B - which of the following statement is TRUE regarding the income statement? A. It shows the net inflow of economic resources to the
    entity for a certain period of time.
    B. It shows the net inflow of economic resources to the
    entity as of a certain point in time.
    C. If a net income is recorded during the period,
    revenues exceed expenses!
    D. If a net loss is recorded during the period, expenses
  • None bank - what do you call the financial institution that does not have a full banking license and cannot accept deposits from the public?
  • Capacity, Capital, Collateral, Conditions, and Character - What are the 5C's of credit?
  •  Collateral - Which of the 5C's of credit describes the
    asset you pledge to back the loan?
  • Character - If you want to check the willingness of the borrower to
    repay the loan. Under what 5Cs of credit the situation?
  • Bank - What do you call the financial institution that has the license to receive deposits and make loans and it may also provide financial services such as wealth management, currency exchange, and safe deposit boxes?
  • Capital Investment - What do you call the sum of money that is provided
    to a company to further its business objectives?
  • Financing - What do you call the act of estimating revenue (in the
    form of their allowance) and expenses over a period of time?
  • Internal recruitment - Chowking is in need of an Area Manager and they open the application for all the store managers. This statement tells what type of recruitment?
  • Organizational Chart - Which of the following shows and serves as
    guide of the hierarchy of authority of a company in an image form.
  • Patent - What do you call the right to
    protect the entrepreneur regarding the product or service?
  • Logo - What do you call the business that shows an image?
  • Value proposition - "The best things in life are
    the sweet little things," the statement above is an example of?
  •  Mission Statement - "To provide quality products and satisfy the customers' cravings," this statement is an example of?
  • Executive Summary - what do you call the part of business plan that a prospective investor or lender reads before deciding whether or not to read the rest of your plan?
  • Operating Budget - What do you call the thing that aggregate of a company's individual budgets designed to present a complete picture of its financial activity and health?
  • Net cash outflow - What do you call the situation when cash inflows are greater than the cash outflow?
  •  Strengths - "Quality products, good customer service and
    accessibility" are examples of businesses'?
  • Income Statement - Net Income is the total revenue
    of the business less all the operating expenses in a month
    ending. What financial statement is being referred?
  • Revenue - what do you call the output of a sale wherein the sales price exceeds the cost to produce the product or render the service is?
  • Capital - Mrs. Rhu allocated a Php 150,000 for his next business venture. The money that will be allocated in establishing Mrs. Rhu 's business is called?
  • Manufacturer -  The Unilever Company is the maker of Cream Silk
    Conditioner. What part of supply chain is Unilever?
  • Outsourcing - what do you call the process of appointing a third party manufacturer to do the manufacturing operations of the business?
  • Agent - Maru is selling laptops and cell phones in a gadgets
    store. What part of supply chain is Maru?
  • Warehousing - What do you call the Storing of the finished goods
    manufactured in a facility until they are distributed to end users?
  • Trademark - what do you call the sign or symbol that helps customers
    distinguish the product from others is termed?
  • Advertisement - Websites, newspapers, trade journals, radio, television, and billboards are examples of what?
  • Target Market - Coffee lovers of any ages and gender are the _____
    of Rhu's Cafe.
  • Vision Statement - "In 2025 Rhu's Café will be
    recognized as one of the top coffee shop in the province of
    Pampanga" the statement is an example of?
  • Product development - What do you call the process of developing, testing and commercializing a product or service with the ultimate objective of solving the problem of the primary target market?
  •  Methods - Nokia Phones are manufactured in Korea before they are being sold here in the Philippines. The manufacturing process is under what operational aspect?
  • Machine - Desktop Computers are indispensable to any business entities. Desktop computers are under what operational aspect?
  • Site - where do the manufacturing processes take place?
  • Manpower - Mrs. Vergara is the General
    Manager of JMJ Restaurant. Mrs. Vergara's position is
    under what operational aspect?
  • Inputs - What do you call the materials or ingredients to be used in creating the product?
  •  Product description - "Genuine hand sewn for
    durable comfort," the statement above is an
    example of?