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Cards (23)

  • Aphelion - July
    When earth is farthest from the sun
  • Perihelion - January
    When earth is closest to the sun
    1. 66.50N - Arctic Circle
    2. 23.50N - Tropic of Cancer
    3. 00 - Equator
    4. 23.50S - Tropic of Capricorn 
    5. 66.50S - Antarctic Circle
  • Tropical RainForest
    • Tropical moist climate
    • Annual rainfall: 100 inches
    • Average temperature: 18℃
    • Regions covered: 10º S and 25º N and S latitudes
  • Savanna
    • Wet-dry tropical climate
    • Annual rainfall: 0.25 cm
    • Average temperature: 16℃
    • Regions covered: 15º to 25º N and S latitudes
  • Desert
    • Dry tropical climate
    • Annual rainfall: 0.25 cm
    • Average temperature: 16℃
    • Regions covered: 15º and 25º N and S latitudes
  • Photochemical smog        
    Gray-brown haze that hovers around cities        
    • forms as a result of the interaction of oxides of nitrogen , hydrocarbons, and solar energy in the
    form of ultraviolet light
  • Thermal Inversion
    When warm air lies over cold air trapping toxic chemicals in the ground
  • Acid deposition
    Form of precipitation that contains acid
    Wet deposition: Acid rain Dry deposition: particulates and gasses 
  • Ozone depletion
    Destruction of the ozone molecules in the ozone layer mainly by chlorofluorocarbons
  • Climate change
    Change of average conditions of temperature and rainfall
    • Main driver is greenhouse effect 
  • Rotation refers to an object's spinning motion about its own axis
    • The rotation of the Earth is divided which gives rise to day and night
    • 24 hours for one complete rotation
    • Direction of rotation is counterclockwise
    • Sun rises in the East and sets in the West
    • Axis is tilted by 23.450/23.50 causing seasons
  • Earth’s Revolution
    Movement of earth around the sun
    • one year or precisely in 365.242 (365 1/4) days is one revolution
    • The path of the earth’s revolution is called Orbit
  • Solar eclipse
    Occurs when the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun 
    • The moon casts a shadow upon earth 
    SME: Sun Moon Earth
  • Types of solar eclipse
    • Total solar eclipse Moon exactly covers the sun
    • Partial solar eclipse Only a portion of the sun is blocked by the moon
    • Annular solar eclipse The disk is seen surrounded by a bright thin ring
  • Umbra
    Shadow gets smaller as it goes away from the sun
  • Penumbra
    Shadow gets larger as it goes away from the sun
  • Lunar eclipse - Orange moon
    Occurs when the moon moves within the shadow of the earth
    SEM: Sun Earth Moon
    • Total lunar eclipse Moon is entirely on the umbra of the earth’s shadow
    • Partial lunar eclipse Only a part of the moon passes through the umbra
    • Penumbral lunar eclipse Moon passed only through the penumbra of earth’s shadow
  • RAIN
    Falls out when clouds become heavy with condensed water droplets
  • SNOW
    Occurs when temperature in the cloud is below freezing point, changing water vapor into ice crystals
    Forms when melted snow falls and turns into solid ice as it hits the ground 
    Forms when snow melts and refreezes as it falls through the layers of cold air