regulators should be open and regulations simple with consequences for non-compliance clear
Two Distinguishing Features of a Profession
autonomy - independence to act
accountability - being responsible and answerable for ones actions
regulations should be aimed at the issue and minimise sideeffects
regulators should be able to justify their actions and conduct fair and effective complaint and appeal procedures
Schedule 3
allows vets to delegate tasks to RVNs/SVNs under their directive, the RVN should be deemed competent enough to complete the task and SVNs should be supervised
Disciplinary Stage 3
disciplinary hearing - formal hearing, similar to court, if found guilty can be suspended or struck from the register
Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
makes it an offence for an individual to call themselves a vet if their name is not on the register
prolongededucation that takes place in a college or university that results in the acquisition of a body of knowledge based on theory and research
RCVS Registration Role
hold and maintain the register
council prescribes fees and lets the registrar know who is eligible
ensure the register is up to date and accurate
Day One Skills
regulatory benchmark of essential clinicalskills based on the dayonecompetences for veterinary nursing
The Royal Charter
feb2015 - recognised vet nursing as a profession which made the college keep a register of vet nurses
How are standards maintained?
CPD minimum hours
onlineCPD log
post-qualification training and development
What are the key principles associated with regulation?
a set of rules or directives made and maintained by an authority
What is the primary purpose of regulation?
to protect those who use the service offered
regulators should only get involved when necessary and should consider education over punishment where possible
regulations should be predictable to allow stability to those being regulated
RCVS Education Role
setting of day one skills
setting of day one competences
monitoring course providers and clinical placement
setting requirements to become a training practice
Disciplinary Stage 1
preliminary investigation committee - casemanager provided and information gathered, consists of 1vet, 1layperson and 1other, if there is no realisticprospect the case is closed
Disciplinary Stage 2
preliminary investigation committee - more information may be requested, discussing if there is realisticprospect that what you did or did not do will affect fitnesstopractice