add iodine (orange colour) if starch present it turns blue-black
how to test for suagrs/gluclose;
place 2cm3 of food solution in a test tube.
add 10 drops of benedicts solution (blue colour)
place test tube in beaker and half full the beaker with water from kettle
leave for five minutes, if a little sugar is present it'll change to a greencolour, if more sugar is present it turns into a yellow colour, if alot is present it turns red.
how to test for protein;
2cm3 of food solution
add 2cm3 ofbiuretsolution (blue colour) if protein present it'll turn purple colour.
how to test for lipids/fats;
do not filter this solution as can stick to filter paper.
add a few drops of distilled water + ethanol to 2cm3 of food substance.