Digestive system

Cards (37)

  • anus
    A muscular opening at the end of the rectum through which waste material is eliminated from the body
  • Peristalsis
    Involuntary waves of muscle contraction that keep food moving along in one direction through the digestive system.
  • Chyme
    Partially digested, semiliquid food mixed with digestive enzymes and acids in the stomach.
  • gallbladder location
    RUQ under the liver
  • pancreas
    locates behind the stomach, produces enzymes, and the hormone insulin to regulate blood sugar
  • pain in right lower quadrant

  • rugae
    the folds in the mucosa membrane lining the stomach
  • duodenum
    first part of the small intestine
  • Gallbladder function

    stores and concentrates bile
  • jejunum
    Second part of the small intestine. Digestion takes place there, as well as some absorption of nutrients and water through the intestinal wall into the blood.
  • functions of the large intestine
    absorption of water and remaining nutrients
    transportation of waste products
    synthesis of vitamins by bacteria
  • liver
    produces bile
  • Rectum
    storage area for indigestables
  • Villi
    Fingerlike projections of the intestinal mucosa that increase the surface area for absorption
  • alimentary canal

    long, muscular tube that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus
  • Mastication
    the process of chewing
  • uvula
    small projection hanging from the back middle edge of the soft palate that prevents food from entering the nasopharynx during swallowing
  • Bolus
    A term used to describe food after it has been chewed and mixed with saliva
  • salivary amylase

    enzyme that begins carbohydrate digestion in the mouth
  • cardiac sphincter

    A circular muscle located between the esophagus and the stomach. Prevents backflow into the esophagus.
  • Lipase
    enzyme in the stomach that begins the chemical breakdown of fats
  • Pepsin
    Enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach
  • hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is responsible for __________________.

    killing bacteria, facilitating iron absorption, and activating the enzyme pepsin
  • ileocecal valve
    prevents food from moving back into the small intestine once it has entered the large intestine
  • Bile
    emulsifies (breaks down) fats and makes them water soluble
  • cecum
    first part of the large intestine
  • largest gland in the body

  • Pancreatitis
    The pancreatic enzymes begin to digest the pancreas itself.
  • ulcer
    open sore or lesion in the skin or mucous membrane
  • accessory organs of the digestive system
    liver, gallbladder, pancreas
  • ileum
    the last 12 feet of the small intestine
  • Where is the pancreas located?
    behind the stomach
  • How long does food stay in the stomach?
    1-4 hours
  • The pancreas produces digestive enzymes that empty into the ________________.
  • maltase, sucrase, lactase

    break down carbohydrates (sugars)
  • Most of digestion and absorption takes place in the _____.
    small intestine
  • pyloric sphincter
    circular muscle between the stomach and small intestine that keeps food in the stomach