Cards (16)

  • DNA discovered
  • DNA
    Deoxyribonucleic acid
  • DNA
    • Double helix structure
    • Can unzip and replicate itself
  • Rosalind Franklin first photographed DNA suggesting a double helix structure in 1951
  • Watson and Crick put forth the idea of a double helix structure of DNA based on Franklin's work
  • Genetics
    The study of DNA and how we inherit characteristics including sometimes illnesses
  • There are over 3,000 million letters of code in the human body's DNA
  • Genes are instructions grouped together with different functions, e.g. eye colour, height
  • Genetic medicine

    • Can be used to treat hereditary or inherited diseases
    • Can help understand why people become ill and find solutions
    • Can fix faults in a person's DNA
  • Genetic engineering of DNA can fix faults that may cause certain conditions, e.g. producing insulin for diabetics
  • Special treatments can be produced that only target specific types of cells within the body, such as cancer cells
  • Information about DNA can help scientists grow new and replacement organs
  • In 1800, the understanding of illness causes was based on theories like the four humours and miasma
  • By 1953, there was an understanding of the role of germs and DNA in passing on illnesses and diseases
  • Modern medicine focuses on understanding the actual causes of disease and illness, such as bacteria, genetics, and lifestyle
  • Prevention and treatment of disease has improved greatly with this understanding