micropara finals

Cards (15)

  • Algae is a photosynthetic, eukaryotic organisms
  • All algal contains cytoplasm, cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, plastids, ribosomes, mitochondria, and golgi bodies.
  • Protozoa are non photosynthetic , eukaryotic organism. Mostly live in soil and water. Also they do not make their own food.
  • Protozoa doesnt have any cell wall, but some possess a thickened cell membrane where it is made to protect them, called "pellicle".
  • a typical protozoan life cycle has 2 stages- a trophosize and a cyst.
  • Trophozoite is the motile, feeding, dividing stage.
  • Cyst is the non motile, dormant, survival stage.
  • Parasitic protozoa is another type of protozoa that causes many human diseases, such as malaria, giardiasis, trypanosomiasis
  • protozoa are divided into groups, based on their method of locomotion

    Amebae - Move by means of pseudopodia
    Ciliates - Move by means of hairlike cilia
    Flagellates - move by means of whiplike flagella
    Sporozoa - have no visible means of locomotion
  • study of fungi is called mycology
  • Fungi are virtually everywher, some are harmful, soeme are beneficial, the garbage disposers.
  • Chitin - fungal cell walls containing a polysaccharide
  • fungi are accelular, while others grow as filaments called hyphae
  • Hyphae forms a mass and is called mycelium
    • Septate hyphae - hyphae with a septum (division)
    • Aseptate hyphae - Do not have septa