English Q4 - M2

Cards (10)

  • Soundness or Sound Reasoning - the quality of being based on valid reasons, goods judgement or reason.
  • Faulty Logic - means an error in logic.
  • Hasty Generalization - occurs when the author or speaker assumes or a conclusion based on a small group or number of cases that is not enough to support the claim.
  • Circular Reasoning - from the word circular, meaning the reason goes around and around only by restating the reason of the author's claim or argument without really proving any point.
  • False Cause - Happens when the author or speaker assumes wrongly that one event is the cause of another.
  • Non-Causa Pro Causa - Another term for false cause that means "after this, therefore because of this"
  • Appeal To Authority - happens if the author or speaker backs up his/her argument by claiming it is accepted by what any authority says on the issue, then you appeal to authority
  • Slippery Slope - is present when someone assumes that a first step will probably lead to a second step (in a chain of causes and consequences, or a chain of reasoning) that will probably lead to another turn, and so on until a final step ends in trouble.
  • Unsupported Facts - occur when the speaker or author claims something he/she believes to be true but has no sufficient evidence or facts.
  • Emotional Appeal - is present when an author/speaker stirs up the emotion of the audience. Rather than giving information, the speaker now uses emotion to evoke feelings of anger, happiness, love, etc. most of the time, this can be seen in campaign ads, posters, magazines, speeches, or debates.