Investigating vitamin C content of food
1. Create a 1 mg cm-3 vitamin C solution
2. Prepare serial dilutions of 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 and 0.0625 mgcm-3
3. Measure out a set volume of DCPIP using a measuring cylinder and pour into a test tube
4. Dropwise, add vitamin C solution to the test tube and gently shake for 30 seconds
5. Keep adding drops of the vitamin solution and shaking until the blue colour disappears
6. Record the number of drops added to cause the colour change
7. Repeat twice more with each vitamin C concentration and calculate a mean
8. Repeat with serial dilutions
9. Draw a graph showing volume of vitamin C solution against concentration and connect data points with a curve of best fit
10. Test your unknown solution using the method above and use the calibration curve to determine its concentration