Nobles – Plot of Ant and Seb to kill Al – Grieving
Cali meets Steph and Trinc – Plot to kill Prospero
Ferdinand + Miranda – Carrying logs and ask to marry
Cali, Steph + Trincargue – tricked by Ariel "Thou liest"
Nobles – Banquet + Ariel as a harpy
1. M + F get married. Ariel as Juno, Iris and Ceres
2. P remembers the plot of Cali – tells M+F to relax in his cell
3. P+Ar trick the fools – chase them with spirits as hounds into swamp
4. Smell of "horse piss" - find the new clothes
Ariel brings thenobles to P's magical circle where he casts aspell so they remember past crimes – All are forgiven. Ar is freed by P and P renounces his magic