Cards (14)

  • A branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent human behaviour by a computer. Cognitive functions can be replicated in AI and measured against human benchmarks
  • AI is a collection of rules and data, with the ability to reason, learn and adapt to external stimuli
  • Narrow AI is a machine that has superior performance to a human in one specific task
  • General AI is when a machine is similar, but not superior to humans in a wide range of tasks
  • Strong AI is a machine which has superior performance to humans in many tasks
  • Reasoning is the ability to draw conclusions based on given data, and deductive reasoning is when a series of facts are built up to create set of rules that can be applied in situations
  • Expert Systems are a form of AI designed to mimic human intelligence. They use knowledge and inference to solve problems
  • Expert systems consist of a user interface, an explanation system, a rules base, a knowledge base and an inference engine
  • A rules base is a set of inference rules which the engine uses to draw conclusions using logic
  • A knowledge base is a repository of facts about a given subjects
  • The inference engine examines the knowledge base for information matching a query, it then asks questions and applies the rules in the rules base to the information to generate a response
  • Advantages of Expert Systems:
    • High level of expertise, accuracy and speed
    • Stores vast amounts of information
    • Unbiased reporting
    • Simple to use
  • Disadvantages of Expert Systems:
    • Users need training to operate them
    • Maintenance is time consuming
    • Give “cold” responses that can be inappropriate
    • Only as good as it’s knowledge base
    • Users can sometimes dangerously assume an AI is infallible
  • Setting up an expert system:
    • Info gathered to populate the knowledge base
    • A rules base is created full of inference rules
    • Inference engine set up, which is a complex system
    • User interface needs developing
    • Testing needs to be done before the system is used