Determining g using light gates
1. Set up the apparatus, connecting the light gates to a data logger and as close to the electromagnet as possible
2. Adjust the position of the lower light gate such that the height (h) is 0.75 m, measured using the metre ruler
3. Turn on the electromagnet and attach the ball bearing
4. Switch off the electromagnet, and note the time taken for the bearing to fall between the light gates (t) as recorded by the data logger
5. Reduce h by 0.05 m by moving the lower light gate upwards and repeat the above two steps, reducing h by 0.05 m each time down to 0.25 m
6. Repeat the experiment twice more to find mean values of t for each value of h
7. Place a pad at the bottom to prevent ball from bouncing
8. Place a counterweight on the base of the stand so that it does not fall over