Unwanted, aggressive behavior that is repeated, or can be repeated over time, where the bully and the bullied have serious and lasting problems
Unintentional injuries
Also called ACCIDENTS, are injuries that occur withoutintent of harm
Intentional injuries
Refers to injuries resulting from purposeful human action, whether directed at oneself or others
Forcedsexualintercourse, including vaginal, anal or oral penetration. It is rape if: one or both are not old enough to consent, one of them does not have the capacity to consent, or one of them did not agree to take part
Verbal abuse
Hurtful and usually attacks the nature and abilities of the person, may be obvious or hidden, it is controlling, dangerous, and usually worsens, increases in strength, regularity and assortment
Commonly used suicide methods
strangulation and suffocation
exposure to chemicals and poisonous substances
drug overdose
using firearms
jumping from heights
The intentional taking of one'sown life. Many do not receive mental and emotionalcounselling because their families try to hide the problem due to shame, and the problem is not solved so the attempt happens again. Other family members are also at risk
Using force or threats to force people to hand over their money or properties, on favors. The act is different from robbery as the person may only suffer from the fear of harm if they give in to the demands
Verbal & social bullying done through use of technology & electronic means, using socialmedia, mobile devices, electronic mails
Intentional injuries
Injuries resulting from violence
Verbal abuse
A form of cruelty that involves the use of words used to attack, control, and cause harm on another person, including angryoutbursts, screaming rage, namecallings which tends to blame, and brainwashes and threatens a person
Illegal fraternity-related violence
-Includes initiations (hazing)
-abuse and humiliation
Forms of sexual victimization and other abuse/harassment
Verbal abuse
sexual abuse
Why do people join gangs?
Need to belong where they can identifythemselves
Desire for adventure
Feeling protected and looked out for
Types of bullying
Verbal bullying
social bullying
physical bullying
Suicide - intentional taking of one's life
Parasuicide - suicide attempt as a "cry for help"
Social bullying
Relational bullying - hurting someone's reputation or relationships, such as telling other children not to be friends with someone, spreading rumors, embarrassing someone in public
Domestic violence
Includes namecalling
keeping a partner from contacting family/friends
withholding money
stopping a partner from getting/keeping a job
actual or threatened physical harm
sexual assault
Acts of terror/terrorism
The use of violence for political goals and putting the public or a great number of people in fear
Six categories of acts of terror
State terrorism
Nuclear terrorism
Sexual contact between persons who are so closelyrelated that marriage between them is considered illegal. Victims often do not report this due to thinking it is normal, not knowing who to talk to, fear of consequences, and worry about how people may react
Taking away or forcefullymoving a person against their will and holding them in unjust captivity
Using deceit or force to take a person or child away from their homes and relatives
Physical bullying
Hurting a person's body
destroying their possessions
such as hitting/kicking/pinching, spitting, tripping/pushing
taking someone's things
making mean or rude hand gestures
A pattern of behavior that makes someone feel afraid, nervous, harassed, or in danger, such as repeatedly contacting, following, sending things, and talking to them even when they don't want it
Stalking behaviors
Knowing your schedule
showing up at places you go
sending mails/emails/pictures
calling/texting repeatedly
contacting/posting about you on social media
writing letters
damaging your property
creating a website about you
sending gifts
stealing your things
A suicide attempt in which a person does not intend to die, often a "cry for help" that should be taken seriously as it may lead to death
Sexual abuse of a person (child or adult) by an adult for sexual pleasure or profit, including fondling, mutual masturbation, sodomy, coitus, child pornography, child prostitution
Verbal bullying
Saying or writing mean and nasty things, such as teasing, name-calling, making inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, threatening to cause harm
A relatively tough, mostly street-based group of young people who regard themselves and may be seen by others as a group that engages in a range of criminal activity and violence