Past Paper Business

Cards (10)

  • Factors to be considered when choosing business location:
    • Close to raw materials - to reduce transport cost
    • availability of land - room to expand facilities
    • The location does not have any competition nearby - sales are likely to increase
    • close to labour market - to attract staff with necessary skills
  • Justify the use of ethical production:
    • better for the environment
    • improves the image of an organisation - leading to increased sales
    • Can give a competitive edge
    • May help the organisation win awards
    • Attracts a quality workforce
  • Advantages/disadvantages of packaging
    Provides protection during transport - decreasing waste
    provides easy recognition of a product/brand
    Provides customer appeal - increasing sales
    cost of producing packaging - reducing profit
    environmental impact
  • Describe sectors of economy
    Private Sector
    organisations owned by private individuals
    financed by owners personal savings
    key aim to make a profit
    Public Sector
    Organisations owned by the Government
    Financed through taxpayer money
    Key aim to provide services for the public
    Third Sector
    Owned by private individuals
    Social enterprises reinvest profit
    financed through donations/subscriptions
  • Stakeholder influences on a charity
    Volunteers may refuse to work - cant provide its services
    donors may stop donation money to the cause - leaves the charity with no money to fund its work
    Government can provide funding or support for the charity - means it can survive/expand its work
    Managers may make poor decisions - means a loss of reputation for a charity
  • Benefits of staff training
    Higher quality products - which will improve customer satisfaction
    Reduce staff turnover - which will reduce the cost of recruitment and selection
    Staff develop new skills - higher chance of promotion
    Good reputation - attract new customers
  • Purpose of a cash budget
    Can be used as a target - this means the business may be able to plan
    Highlights any period of shortfall - allows business to arrange a source of finance
    Highlights any increases in expenses over a period of time - this means the business is able to take corrective action
    Promotes better decision making - this means the business is able to plan future direction of the business
  • Overstocking/understocking
    Harder to cope with unexpected changes in demand - customers may go elsewhere
    Production may stop or slow down - paying for employees who aren't producing any goods
    Continually ordering or restocking can mean increased administration costs
    Increase the cost of storage - decrease profits
    Capital is tied up in stocks - money cannot be used elsewhere
    Stock may deteriorate - larger wastage costs
    Changes in trends and fashion - stock might become obsolete
    Higher risk of theft - increase in security costs
  • Advantages of branding
    Brands are easily recognised - customers may buy more due to them being familiar - easier to launch new products - reduces advertising costs
    Brand loyalty can develop - which could lead to repeat purchases
    Customers willing to pay more for branded product - increase in profits
  • Justify methods of advertising
    Social Media
    Direct customers to websites to allow immediate purchases
    Target the advert to specific groups
    Attracts customers worldwide
    24/7 advertising
    Can persuade consumers as many believe what they read
    Use of colour and graphics can make the advert more appealing
    Tap into loyalty of a newspaper/magazine
    Often easier to remember these types of adverts
    Can target specific market segments
    Can target specific geographical locations