Cholinergic antagonists

Cards (62)

  • Cholinergic antagonists
    Muscarinic blocking agents
  • Atropine
    Deadly Nightshade - Atropa belladonna
  • Atropine
    • Dilates pupils
    • Decreases secretions
    • Increased heart rate (high doses)
    • Reduced detrusor contraction (decreased bladder contraction)
  • Additional manifestations of anticholinergic effects include: Sinus tachycardia, Decreased bowel sounds, Functional ileus, Hypertension, Tremulousness, Myoclonic jerking
  • Patients with central anticholinergic syndrome may present with: Ataxia, Disorientation, Short-term memory loss, Confusion, Hallucinations (visual, auditory), Psychosis, Agitated delirium, Seizures (rare), Coma, Respiratory failure, Cardiovascular collapse
  • Anti-muscarinic effects
    • Cycloplegia (blurred vision), glaucoma, dry (sandy) eyes
    • Mydriasis
    • Reduced sweating, flushing
    • Xerostomia, Decreased bowel sounds, Functional ileus, Reduced motility and secretions (reduces GI cramping)
    • Increased heart rate (high doses)
    • Bronchial dilation and decreased secretion
    • Urinary retention, Reduces bladder overactivity, spasms
    • Drowsiness, hallucinations, excitement, agitation, coma
  • "red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, hot as a hare, and full as a flask." The mnemonic refers to the symptoms of flushing, dry skin and mucous membranes, mydriasis with loss of accommodation, altered mental status (AMS), fever, and urinary retention, respectively.
  • Motion Sickness Drugs: Scopolamine, meclizine, dimenhydrinate
    Competitive antagonism at muscarinic receptors
  • Motion Sickness Drugs: Scopolamine, meclizine, dimenhydrinate
    1. Onset: 4hrs
    2. Peak: 24hrs
    3. Duration: 72hrs
  • Motion Sickness Drugs: Scopolamine, meclizine, dimenhydrinate
    • Steady and extensive absorption
    • Crosses blood-brain barrier
    • Hepatic metabolism to inactive metabolites
    • T1/2 8hrs
  • Motion Sickness Drugs: Scopolamine, meclizine, dimenhydrinate
    Reduces vertigo, postoperative nausea
  • Motion Sickness Drug Contraindications: Closed-angle glaucoma
  • Motion Sickness Drug Adverse drug reactions: Tachycardia, blurred vision, xerostomia, delirium
  • GI Drugs: Dicyclomine, L-Hyoscyamine, Glycopyrrolate
    • Competitive antagonism at M1 and M3 receptors
    • Reduces smooth muscle and secretory activity of gut
    • Tertiary amine (Minimal effect on salivary/sweat glands or on CV system)
  • GI Drugs: Dicyclomine, L-Hyoscyamine, Glycopyrrolate
    1. Likely well absorbed
    2. Volume of distribution 3.65L/kg
    3. Short t1/2 (1.8hrs) but action lasts up to 6 hrs, 79.5% in urine, 8.4% in feces
  • GI Drugs: Dicyclomine, L-Hyoscyamine, Glycopyrrolate
    Used for irritable bowel syndrome, minor diarrhea
  • GI Drug Adverse drug reactions: Tachycardia, confusion, urinary retention, increased intraocular pressure
  • GI Drug Interactions: With other antimuscarinics
  • Ophthalmology Drug MOA
    • Competitive muscarinic receptor antagonist
    • Causes iris sphincter muscle relaxation (mydriasis); ciliary body relaxation (cycloplegia)
  • Ophthalmology Drugs - Duration of Action:
    1. Atropine - 5–6 days, up to 2 weeks
    2. Homatropine - 12–24 h
    3. Cyclopentolate - 3–6 h
    4. Tropicamide - 15–60 min
  • Ophthamology Drugs
    Causes refraction for assessment (secretions @ end-of-life)
  • Ophthalmology Drug Contraindications: (narrow-angle) glaucoma
  • Ophthalmology Drug - Adverse drug reactions: anti-SLUDGE
  • Respiratory (Asthma, COPD) Drugs
    • Competitive muscarinic receptor antagonist
    • Therapeutic effect via M3 receptor (R - dissociates slower from M3 than M2)
    • Reduces or prevents bronchospasm
  • Ipratropium, SAMA
    1. 33% reaches systemic circulation (inhalation solution), 20% (dry powder)
    2. Urinary excretion 13%, Renal clearance 3%
  • Aclidinium, LAMA
    Rapidly and extensively hydrolyzed to inactive metabolites
  • Revefenacin, LAMA
    Active metabolite
  • Ipratropium, SAMA
    Additional bronchodilator in asthma, maintenance treatment of COPD symptoms
  • Tiotropium, LAMA
    Maintenance treatment of COPD, airflow and symptoms improved, HRQoL improved, reduction in exacerbations, extensive safety and efficacy database up to 4 years
  • Glycopyrrolate, LAMA
    Maintenance treatment of COPD, airflow and symptoms improved in one of two Phase III studies
  • Aclidinium
    Maintenance treatment of COPD, full bronchodilator effect with 1st dose, airflow, symptoms, dyspnea and HRQoL improved, reduction in exacerbations, long-term safety study up to 3 years in cardio-/cerebro-vascular risk population
  • Umeclidinium
    Maintenance treatment of COPD, airflow, symptoms, and HRQoL improved, reduction in exacerbations indirectly shown by superiority of umeclidinium/vilanterol/fluticasone vs. vilanterol/fluticasone
  • Respiratory Drug Adverse reactions: Xerostomia, cough
  • Respiratory Drugs - Other uses: Reduces rhinorrhea
  • Glycopyrrolate
    Highly potent, kinetic receptor subtype selective M3 > M1 >> M2, modestly slow M3 receptor dissociation (t1/2=6.1h), low lipid solubility, predominantly cleared renally, available only in combination products
  • Glycopyrrolate
    • Full bronchodilator effect with 1st dose, airflow, symptoms, dyspnea and HRQoL improved, reduction in exacerbations, long-term safety study up to 3 years in cardio-/cerebro-vascular risk population
  • Aclidinium (bromide)

    Highly potent, kinetic receptor subtype selective M3 >∼ M1 >M2, modestly slow M3- receptor dissociation (t1/2=10.7 h), low lipid solubility, rapid hydrolytic inactivation
  • Aclidinium (bromide)

    • Airflow, symptoms, and HRQoL improved, reduction in exacerbations indirectly shown by superiority of umeclidinium/vilanterol/fluticasone vs. vilanterol/fluticasone
  • Umeclidinium (bromide)

    Highly potent, kinetic receptor subtype selective M3 >> M2, (M1 not published), slow M3 receptor dissociation (t1/2=1.37 h, tiotropium 4.55 h), low lipid solubility, hepatic metabolism and clearance
  • Umeclidinium (bromide)

    • Airflow and symptoms improved, HRQoL improved in one of two Ph III studies. For patients preferring nebulizer