The overall use of chemicalenergy (CE) by animals to power their functions
Food provides energy
Animals require chemical energy (CE) for theirfunctions
Oxidation of foodstuff provides energy
Measure of energy metabolism
Amount of O2consumed
CE can be obtained without use of O2 (e.g. anaerobic metabolism)
O2 consumption is not always a measure of energymetabolism
Energy requiring processes & reactions in living organism use ATP
ATP is formed in oxidation of foodstuff & in anaerobicenergy-yielding processes
Metabolic Rate (MR)
The energy metabolism per unit time
Measuring Metabolic Rate
1. Calculating the difference between the energy value of all foodtakenin and the energyvalue of all excreta
2. Measuring the total heatproduction of the animal
3. Determining the amount of O2 used in oxidation processes
Determination of O2 consumption is easy and commonly used for estimation of MR
O2consumption is not a fully accurate measure of MR as a fully anaerobic organism has a zero O2 consumption but its MR is definitely not zero
Respiratory Quotient (RQ)
The ratio between CO2formed in metabolism and O2used
RQ near 0.7 suggests primarily fatmetabolism; an RQ near 1.0 suggests primarily carbohydratemetabolism
CO2production cannot be used for determinations of MR as accurately as O2 consumption due to the large pool of CO2 in the body that changes easily and the different caloric equivalents of CO2 for different fuels
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
The standardized measure of metabolism for homeotherms, measured when the animal is in its thermoneutral zone, resting, and fasting
StandardMetabolicRate (SMR)
The standardized measure of metabolism for poikilotherms, measured when the animal is resting and fasting at its prevailingbodytemperature
Routine Metabolic Rate refers to reasonably quiet animals exhibiting only small, spontaneous movements, while SMR refers to animals that have been coaxed to a truly minimal level of activity
When activity is truly minimal under standard or basalconditions, the MR approximates the rate necessary for simple physiologicalmaintenance of life
A unit of energy, specifically the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 degree Celsius
Kilocalorie (kcal)
The amountofheat (energy) needed to increase the temperature of one kg of water by 1degreeCelsius, exactly 1000 small calories, or about 4.184 kJ
The SI unit of energy, defined as the workdone, or energyexpended, by a force of one newton moving one meter along the direction of the force
Metabolic Rate & Body Size
The larger the diving mammal, the longer lasting the dives it can perform (whales → couple of hrs.; water shrew → rarely exceeds 30 seconds)
The rate of O2 consumption relative to body size
Is much higher in the small than in the larger mammal
The elephant is much larger than the shrew & its total O2 consumption obviously must be much higher
Specific O2 Consumption (SOC)
O2 consumption per unit Body Mass, decreases consistently with increasing body size (e.g. 1g shrew tissue has O2 cons. rate some 100-fold as great as 1g elephant tissue)
This necessitates that the O2supply & hence blood flow to 1g tissue be 100X > in the shrew than in the elephant. Heart function, respiration, food intake, etc. are similarly affected
Regression line
Represents the generalization that O2 consumption of mammals/unit body mass decreases regularly with increasing body size; it also gives a quantitative expression of the magnitude of the decrease
Equation for regression line
VO2/Mb=0.676XMb^-0.25, whereVO2/Mb=SOC (lO2kg-1h-1) &Mb=body mass (kg)
Equation in log form
Equation for total O2 consumption
Equation for total O2 consumption in log form
Data have been compiled for verts and inverts & in general most have rates of O2consumption that fall on the same or similar regression lines
Some exceptions: e.g. some insects, pulmonate snails, & a few other groups exhibit lines with a slope closer to1.0 (O2 consumption directlyproportional to body mass)
O2consumption rates of micro-organisms & even some trees fall on lines with a similar slope → indicating that this represents a general biological rule
The fact that cold-bloodedverts & manyinverts (& at least some plants) have regression lines with the same slope excludes the possibility that temperature regulation is a primary cause of the regularity of the regression lines
A large number of physiological processes are surface-related: uptake of O2 in lungs & gills, diffusion of O2 from blood to tissues occurs across capillary walls, food uptake in intestine, etc.
It is easy to understand that overall metabolism cannot be independent of surface considerations; it is more difficult to explain why it deviates in such a regular fashion (0.75 or very close to this value)
Passerine birds
Sparrows, finches, crows, etc. have somewhat higherMetabolicRates than non-passerinebirds