The process of maintaining salt and water balance (osmotic balance) across membranes within the body
Optimal function of an animal
Requires a well-defined, relatively constant composition of its body fluids, & substantial deviations are usually incompatible with life
Problem of osmoregulation
The concentration of body fluids invariably differ from those of the environment; animals must thus maintain appropriate concentration
Animals minimize the difficulties of osmoregulation by
Decreasing their permeabilities
Decreasing the concentrationgradients between bodyfluids & theenvironment
Problems of keeping water & solute concentration constant vary with the environment & are entirely different in seawater, freshwater & onland
Iso-osmotic (isosmotic)
Most marine invertebrates have bodyfluids with the same osmoticpressure as the sea water
When there is a change in concentration of medium, the animal may change the osmoticconcentration of its bodyfluids to conform with that of the medium
When there is a change in concentration of medium, the animal may maintain or regulate its osmoticconcentration despite externalconcentration changes
Freshwater animals have body fluids that are osmoticallymore concentrated than the medium
Hypo-osmotic (hyposmotic)
If an animal has a lower concentration than the medium, as does a teleost fish, it is said to be hypo-osmotic
Concentrations of the various individualsolutes in the body fluids of an animal usually differ substantially from those in the medium, even if the animal is isosmotic with the medium
Ionic regulation
The differences in solute concentrations between bodyfluids and the medium are carefully regulated, and occurs in all livingorganisms both in osmoregulators & in osmoconformers
Euryhaline animals
Some aquatic animals can tolerate wide variations in the saltconcentration of the medium
Others have a limited tolerance to variations in the concentration of the medium
Problem of osmoregulation in the marine environment
Animals face problem of waterloss because of hyperosmotic state of the environment
Exosmosis is unavoidable as water from gill membranes, skin, etc. will pass out of the body; these animals face osmoticdehydration
As far as the solutes are concerned, problem is exactly the opposite: concentration of Na+, K+, Cl-, etc. are higher outside than within the animal. Animal gains salts by diffusion through permeablesurfaces
How marine forms maintain body water constant
Reducing exosmosis (outward movement of H2O) through gills, skin
Drinking the medium to compensate for waterloss
Renalretention of water & production of hyper-osmoticurine
How marine forms maintain the concentration of various salts
Eliminating excesssalts (taken in by passivediffusion, with food or during drinking)
Maintaining bodyfluidsisosmotic to check passivediffusion of various salts (elasmobranchs)
Excreting concentratedurine containing large amounts of salts
Problem of osmoregulation in the freshwater environment
Animals have their body fluids at a higherosmoticconcentration than the environment; they tend to lose salts by diffusion & gain water by endosmosis
Saltloss & watergain occurs through intestinal, renal & respiratory membranes & these losses & gains must be compensated for by other regulatory mechanisms
Excess water gained by endosmosis is removed by the kidney by excretion of dilute urine that is usually hyposmotic to the blood, while diffusion of salts is checked by reducing permeable surfaces
The gills & kidneytubules are capable of gaining & retaining salts by activeabsorption
The animal also gains salts in the diet
Problem of osmoregulation in the terrestrial environment
Animals tend to lose water (desiccation) because of high temperature rather than by osmoticloss & it does not involve a simultaneous gain of salts by diffusion
Animals obtain their salts & water predominantly through diet
To maintain a balance, animals have developed a variety of mechanisms
Unlike other environments, the osmoregulation problem on land is not fixed, & may arise from excess or scarcity of fluidconstituents
Accordingly, various osmoregulationdevices employed by land animals regulatebodyfluid concentration both when constituents are available in excess or when they are scarce
How marine elasmobranchs maintain osmotic equilibrium of the body fluids
They maintain saltconcentration of body fluids at ~ 1/3 the level in seawater, but they still maintain osmoticequilibrium by adding to body fluids large amounts of organiccompounds, primarily urea, so total osmotic concentration of blood equals or slightly exceeds that of sea water
Bloodurea concentration in marine elasmobranchs is more than 100X as high as in mammals
Urea is excreted by the mammaliankidney, but elasmobranchkidney actively reabsorbs it
Urea, however, is known to destabilize proteins & enzymes, so the inhibitory effect of urea is counteracted by trimethylamineoxide (TMAO) & by two other compounds (methylated amines), betaine & sarcosine
Excess salts are actively excreted by the rectalglands
Osmoregulation in freshwater elasmobranchs

Their blood concentration is lower than those of strictly marine forms; in particular, the urea is decreased to < 1/3 the value for marine sharks, although it remains far above the normal level for other vertebrates
Low level of solutes in blood reduces problems of osmoticregulation, for osmoticinflow of water is reduced & lowersalt concentrations are easier to maintain
Low osmotic inflow of water leaves less water to be eliminated by the kidney. Since urine contains solutes, a low urine flow reduces the urinary salt losses
Osmoregulation in marine teleosts

They maintain their osmoticconcentration at about 1/4 to 1/3 the level in sea water
They are hyposmotic, so face exosmoticwaterloss & saltgain by diffusion through permeable surfaces of the body (e.g. gills)
To accommodate for osmoticloss of water, they drink seawater; but this results in ingestion & absorption of large amounts of salt
Excess salt is eliminated by the gills (functions in both osmotic regulation & gas exchange) by activetransport
Specific acidophiliccells (chloride secreting cells) at the base of the gills are responsible for the salttransfer
Kidney plays a major role in excretion of divalentions, magnesium & sulphate, which make up approx. one-tenth of the salts in sea water
Osmoregulation in freshwater teleosts

Their osmoticconcentration in blood (approx. 300 mOsm l-1) is much higher than surrounding freshwater
Major problem is osmoticwaterinflow, which can be as much as 30% of body weight (BW) taken in daily
They lose some salts by diffusion through exposed permeablesurfaces, so need to compensate for salts lost by diffusion
They drink little or nowater, and excesswater is excreted as urine (very dilute: hypotonic) which may be produced in quantities up to 1/3 of BW per day
Although urine contains no more than 2-10 mmol l-1 solutes, the large urine volume causes a substantial loss of solutes that must be replaced, mainly by activetransport in gills