Pressure forces a fluid through a semi-permeablemembrane that retains proteins & similarlarge molecules but allows water and smallmolecularsolutes, such as salts, sugars, & amino acids, to pass
Ultrafiltration results in a filtrate. Many filtered compounds are valuable; thus reabsorptionmechanisms are present to conserve glucose, aminoacids & vitamins
All vertebrates can produce urine that is isotonic with or hypotonic to the blood, but only birds & mammals can produce urine more concentrated than the bodyfluids (hypertonic urine)
Excretion of uricacid in vertebrates occurs in reptiles & birds as opposed to mammals & amphibians (which form urea), primarily correlated with their mode of reproduction
Birds & reptiles complete their embryonic development in a cleidoicegg - (only gases are exchanged with environment & all excretory products remain within the eggshell)
In the cleidoic egg, limited watersupply and ammonia is too toxic to be tolerated in largequantities, so uricacid is produced and eliminated as crystals in the allantois, which serves as an embryonic urinary bladder