Dystopia critics

Cards (9)

  • C. Beran
    THT"Offred's power is language"
  • C. Howell
    THT"Atwood's feminist concerns are plain here, but so too are her concerns for human rights"
  • Green
    THT"Offred is no hero"
  • L Wayner-Martin
    THT"The novel is a prediction of the cultures so frightened by normal sexuality"
  • Darcy
    TCOM"Theo describes Julian childlike and unable to give birth without medical intervention"
  • Bradley
    TCOM"the ultimate death of humanity by way of sterility"
  • Apatt
    TCOM"Theo is a disillusioned English gentleman"
  • Berengia
    TCOM"Christian literature dressed up as dystopian science-fiction"
  • S Triad
    TCOMJulian's baby as a "ray of light"