Topic 2

Cards (14)

  • market
    a place where buyers and sellers meet to transact
  • factor market
    a market where resources are traded
  • product market
    a market where goods and services are traded
  • primary sector
    the sector of the economy where natural resources are extracted
  • secondary sector
    the sector of the economy where resources are manufactured in to finished goods
  • tertiary sector
    the sector of the economy where services are provided
  • specialisation
    when a nation or individual concentrates its productive efforts on producing a limited variety of goods
  • division of labour
    narrow specialisation of tasks within a production process so that each worker can become a specialist in doing one thing, especially on an assembly line
  • good
    a tangible product
  • service
    an intangible product
  • exchange
    the trading of one item for another, i.e. a product for money
  • scarce resources
    resources that are limited in supply
  • what are the benefits of specialisation for workers and firms?
    • allows workers to become more skilled at a particular task.
    • can produce a good in less time
    • increased efficiency
    • decreased wastage as workers are more skilled at one task
  • what are the costs of specialisation for workers and firms?
    • skillset can become limited
    • can cause boredom over time
    • can cause a lack of motivation in workers - less productivity
    • any mishaps along the production line can cause whole line to stop.