The industril revolution

Cards (29)

  • What happened during the demographic revolution?
    Form the mid 18th century, the pouplation in Europe grew steadly. This demographic revolution was caused by:
    • a reduction of the death rate due to advances in medicine (vaccines) and hygiene (drinking water, use of soap) and better nutrition
    • an increase of the birth rate due to economic improvement and younger marriages.
  • What happened during the agricultural revolution?
    It changed the productivity and offered a richer and more varied diet
    • a change in the structure one ownership of land through the Enclosure Acts passed in Britain in the 18 century
    • new farming methods and techniques, including the Norfolk crop rotation system, which meant that no land was left fallow.
    • the gradual mechanic of agriculture (reapers, seeders, thersers) and the introduction of new crops
    • the expansion of livestock farming
  • What is the Norfolk crop rotation system.
    Its a new farming method from the 18 century that consisted in no land was left fallow
  • What was the new mentality of the Industrial Revolutio?
    A Scottish economist established the principles of economic liberalism in his work, economic activity should develop freely with no intervention from the state
  • What are some factors that established the vantages of Great Britai?
    That where
    • Politic stability
    • Well-connected domestic
    • colonial empire
    • large supply of iron ore and coal
  • What were the technologies.
    In 1769, a Scottish inventor James Watt patented a more efficient steam engine. It produced a rotary motion that could be transferred to machines. The new steam engine was essential to industrialization. It was used in textile, agricultural and the railway
  • Steam trains…
    The engineer George Stephenson improved the steam-powered locomotive used to transport coal between mines. The new locomotive was lighter than the other ones. The first passenger railway was between Manchester and Liverpool in 1830
  • When did the first passenger railway existed?
    It existed in 1830, between Manchester and Liverpool
  • What where the principles of economic liberalism?
    They where:
    • Free enterprise
    • Low of supply and demand
    • Law of competition
  • What did industrialisation do to Europe?
    It consolidated the capitalism, it spread from Britain to Europe, to Us to Japan
  • What changed during the second Industrial Revolutio?
    On the late 19th century and the early 20th century, scientific and technological inventions led to the second Industrial Revolution
  • What became the new sour the of energy and why?
    Electricity and oil. It became cheaper and more accessible everywhere.
  • What where some inventions of the second Industrial Revolution?
    The light bulb, the telecommunicates, the telephone and electric motor led to electricity use.
  • What where some inovations during the second Industrial Revolution?
    The combustion engines replaced the steam engines. Internal combustion engines where used in cars and underground trains, it was also used in cars and plains.
  • What where the two most dynamic sectors?
    That where
    • The capital goods
    • Automotive industry (cars)
  • What changed in the production process?
    It was based on mass production, which reduced time, increased productivity and lowered costs
  • What is Taylorism?
    It’s a system called after the American engineer. The manufacture of a product is divided into tasks with specific machines, and workers for each phase
  • What new society appeared with the industrialism?
    A estate-based society with a clas—based society. The two main social clases were differianted by economic ownership.
  • What about the bourgeoise?
    Gave economic power to owners of factories and bankers. They where the ruling class
  • What about the working class?
    The middle class included liberal professional, middle-level officials and the petty bourgeoise. Their jobs met their basic needs, but they lived without the luxuries of the bourgeoise
  • What’s was and consisted of the first workers movement?
    It first started with Luddism. Workers broke the machines that where stealing they jobs.
  • Whalen was the first trade union created?
    In 1834. They where organized by sector is and organised by sectors and demanded the right to union, shorter work days, les hours and regulation of child work
  • What where the two great unions?
    The Marxism and Anarchism. Both argued that capitalist, based on private ownership of the means of productiona plotted the majouroty to benefit small minorit.
  • What was Marxist solution?
    To destroy capitalists society and achieve the equal society
  • When was the International workers day decided?
    In 1889
  • What lead to European powers to conquer empires?
    Some are:
    • economic interest
    • increase of European population
    • political interest
    • racist ideas
  • Economic interest…

    Imperialism was economically motivate, cause they needed:
    • new markets
    • inexpensive raw materials
    • colonial products
    • to invest surplus capital outside Europe
    • for territory
  • Political interest…

    Governments wasted to build empires to increase international prestige and power
  • What are some colonial conflicts?

    They are:
    • In 1898 France an England
    • The Anglo-Boer war was between the British and the Dutch
    • the Opium war, between china and England