
Cards (64)

  • Language codes

    • w/c use restricted code-less grammatical, less vocabulary and context bound
    • m/c use elaborate code-context free, good vocabulary and, very grammatical
  • Parents supports and values

    • w/c parents are less educated- less support(with h/w) and value education less
    • m/c parents are more educated- more time, encouragement and support (know how the system works)
  • w/c values

    Fatalism, immediate gratification-not thinking about the future
  • m/c values

    Deferred gratification-working hard for future, education is important
  • Blaming child and family without looking at other factors like school system
  • Implies w/c values are wrong and don't care about education
  • w/c parents are aware of importance but not informed-school system too complicated
  • Cultural capital

    Knowledge, values and, attitudes that help gain better educational achievement (m/c has more cultural capital)
  • u/c and m/c students fit better in school because they have more cultural capital. The education system is rigged to reflect u/c and m/c culture
  • m/c mothers understand the school system better and how to help their child succeed. They are more articulate and insistent on getting what they wanted
  • w/c parents have high aspirations for their children but don't have social capital to understand the "rules"/insider knowledge/social skills regarding the school system
  • Material deprivation

    Lack of basic needs such as housing, heating, adequate clothing, food and, educational resources caused by lack of money
  • Effects of material deprivation

    • Diet and health-Unhealthy-hungry, cant concentrate
    • Housing-Expensive transport-cant get to school, Cold, damp, small space-illness, cramped, uncomfortable accommodation, Selection by mortgage, Less choice- no good schools
    • Resources, tutoring-Lack of computers/internet-cant do homework, No equipment, uniform and, money for trips-bullied, less cultural capital, Cant support after gcses-less careers, doing parents job
  • m/c 4 times likely to stay until 16, 8 times likely to stay at 17, 10 times likely to stay ay 18
  • m/c 11 times more likely to go to university
  • There is far more parental choice of schools if you have money (selection by mortgage)
  • Ethos in schools
    Different culture, w/c unwelcomed
  • Teacher labelling

    Labelling based on appearance rather than ability
  • Setting
    • Different ability groups for different subjects
    • Banding/streaming- same ability groups for all subjects
  • Anti school subcultures

    A group of students generally in lower Sets who reject school and follow own goals
  • Boys were disruptive, top sets-positive, conformed to rules, high status
  • Black girls rejected labels and proved teachers wrong
  • 'lads' rejects education because they see through the system
  • Curriculum is irrelevant, w/c lose interest e.g. Shakespeare
  • Teachers make quick judgements of abilities
  • Teachers have an image of the ideal pupil (white m/c girls). This leads to self fulfilling prophecy
  • Top set students behave well/work hard. Low sets-lazy, fall behind, low self esteem
  • Lower streams allowed to talk more, simpler knowledge, less homework, not challenged, bad grades
  • Over half of Pakistani and black African children grow up in poverty in Britain
  • Overcrowded housing, poor diet and health- less likely to do well in school
  • Bangladeshi students have improved e.g. in tower hamlets despite being in poverty. African Caribbean students on free school meals achieve better than white students on free school meals
  • Language
    English being a second language for many Pakistani and Bangladeshi students
  • Parental expectations

    Chinese students main factor and other Asian groups e.g. Bangladeshi. Indian students are used to authority, male subcultures- African and Caribbean boys encourage aggressive behaviour
  • However teacher labelling could be the problem
  • Peer pressure in African male groups- lack positive role models, rejects authority
  • However many black children see education as important- teacher labelling plays a part
  • Teacher racism

    Black boys are disciplined more, described as out of control, stereotypes
  • Institutional racism

    1. 4 higher exclusion rates, leave school early, rules of an organisation discriminate based on race
  • Labelling
    Low achievers and expectations, black in lower sets, low tier exams, Chinese + Indian in higher sets
  • Curriculum
    White centred, ignores other cultures, low self esteem and detachment