It is used to group a set of rows with the same values specified columns into summary rows. Useful for aggregate statistics for each group, such as average, total quantity, max/min values.
1. Often used in conjunction with SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN(), and COUNT()
2. Often combined with the ORDER BY clause to sort the grouped results, e.g. sort in ASC or DESC by the total quantity in each group
SELECT category, SUM(stock_qty) AS total FROM library_catalogue GROUP BY category;
SELECT category, SUM(stock_qty) AS total FROM library_catalogue GROUP BY category ORDER BY category DESC;
GROUP BY syntax
SELECT cName1 , aggregate_function(cName2 ) FROM table_name1 WHERE (Condition) GROUP BY cName1
GROUP BY with two or more columns
SELECT cName1 , cName2 , aggregate_function(cName2 ) FROM table_name1 WHERE (Condition) GROUP BY cName1 , cName2
GROUP BY with two columns
SELECT category, LANGUAGE, COUNT(book_title) AS titles FROM library_catalogue GROUP BY category, LANGUAGE;
Northwind Database: A Province usually consists of many different cities
How to find the number of companies in each state?
SELECT COUNT(company), city, state_province FROM customers GROUP BY state_province, city;
Counting with GROUP BY and ORDER BY
SELECT COUNT(company), state_province, city FROM customers GROUP BY state_province, city ORDER BY state_province;
Difference between the two queries
The first query groups the results by state_province and city, and counts the number of companies in each city within each state_province. The second query just counts the total number of companies.
SELECT COUNT(company), ship_name FROM customers INNER JOIN orders ON = orders.customer_id GROUP BY ship_name;
Students table has columns: Student_ID, Module_ID, Student_Name, Street_Name, City, State
Modules table has columns: Module_ID, Title, Assessment_ID, Staff_ID
GROUP BY with JOIN on Students and Modules tables
SELECT COUNT(Title), Title FROM Students INNER JOIN Modules ON Students.Module_ID = Modules.Module_ID GROUP BY Title DESC;
SELECT COUNT(Title), Title FROM Students INNER JOIN Modules USING(Module_ID) GROUP BY Title DESC;