Priestley constructs Sheila as an immature and materialistic young middle class at the start to a socialist who accepts her responsibility. Priestley portrays her similarity to Eva Smith and she is a proxy of Inspector showing socialist ideology.
Is it the one youwanted me to have?
She is the victim of patriarchal society under her parent’s influence making her more materialistic.
Pronoun ”you” indicates Gerald is the active and controlling one- gender inequality. He chose the ring symbolises how he also controls little details of daily life juxtaposes with women’s role is to blindly obey their husband and completely dependent on them Sheila is a victim of a superficial and business orientated marriage but has no voice to reject (disenfranchised 1912)
The ring is a symbol of visual marker of ownership visually showing the restrictions of a married women In 1912.
The ring is expensive- allude to how marrying with Gerald increase her position in social hierarchy as Gerald is in the aristocracy level. She could be comforted by the financial security that G provides showing her materialistic traits caused by her wealthy upbringing and strict parents.
This makes 1945 audience blame Mr+Mrs B rather than S
But these girls aren’t cheap labour they’re people.
Her instantaneous recognition of Inspector’s message through her objection to her father’s capitalist views.
“cheap” accusing capitalism views lower class as business tools to make higher profits. Showing she is disillusioned with capitalist ideology that she had been taught throughout her life by society and her parents
”people”- humanising working class showing socialist ideology as she doesn’t uphold class gap and equally view everyone in society (left-wing perspective)
1945 audience agrees with Sheila due to Equal Franchise Act
“girls” showing how women working class is the most vulnerable and innocent people in 1912 society.
This shows how she became more mature after Inspector’s arrival( symbolises socialism) as she recognise how capitalists like Mrs Birling exploits these vulnerable individuals. Echos “GirlsofthatClass-“
Inherent prejudice and sexism as women were automatically viewed as weaker.
She looked as if she could take care ofherself.
She is immature and insecure of her own beauty
“looked” implying her attractiveness could find a wealthy man to look after her- as if Eva’s only value is to use outward beauty to pleasure man. Inequality of gender and omnipotent control of men where women completely dependent on men (patriarchal society)
Ironic as she didn’t have a joyful life (hardship for women to find a job) complete contrast with Sheila (upper middle class) who is able to improve outlook with more fanciful clothes. Even though women doesn’t want to rely on men- no choice
“Pretty girl in her earlytwenties“ “twenty four, very pretty”
Sheila sacked Eva out of her jealousy of her beauty but they are described similarly in stagedirections. But their future is totally different due to divisions in social class. Audience feel more empathy and pity for Eva and hold socialist views.
Sheila is the only character who confesses to Inspector and instantly feels guilty and takes responsibility. Audience see true repentance and believe in her change.
Priestley conveys how we should take in perspectives of the vulnérables in society and be responsible for each other as we are “members of 1 body” rather than distancing ourselves.
She has feminine compassion as a younger generation and acts as ideal exemplar for younger audience to reflect themselves and be inspired to change the society better by socialism.
You knewit then. You began to learn something. And now you’ve stopped.
Her changed in relationship and attitudes towards her parents
repetition of personal pronoun”you” how Sheila separates herself from her family- differences in politics. Or she doesn’t want to be influenced by them anymore as she knows capitalist views are wrong and absurd.
“Learn” - similar language(educate). She is the proxy of the Inspector reflecting the power of Inspector while still fails to educate the capitalists - showing their dominance in 1912 static,regressive society
Role of three builds an accusatory and aggressive tone showing her strong desire for change - symbolise the increasing power of women in 1945 after WW2. Or shows her determination to persuade her parents(capitalist) to change and spread socialist agenda.
Sheila’s anger alludes to Priestley’s anger towards capitalist in 1912 as they brought 2 world wars which inflict suffering including Priestley himself who had fought WW1. He warns the society to change now or else world war will still be happening with capitalists control
Sheila is the hope for future generations (socialism)
We’d have to start all over again
Sheila convinces herself to believe in Gerald and keep the relationship with him and deliberately deceive herself .
As audience don’t trust Gerald after the lack of guilt he had towards Eva. Sheila could be forced be the patriarchal society as she had to marry man to move up social hierarchy and maintain her luxurious life.
Priestley clue that despite learning Inspector’s lesson isn’t enough as it’s not fully embedded into her actions. Actions to remove inequality and patriarchal society in order to end the suffering of women and working class