Cards (25)

  • “Lower costs and higher prices” - Mr Briling
  • “As if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money!” - Mrs Birling
  • “So I used my influence to have her case refused" - Mrs Birling
  • “Look Mummy, isn’t it a beauty?” - Sheila
  • “It was naturally one of the things that prejudiced me against her case”  - Mrs Birling
  • “These girls aren’t cheap labour they’re people” - sheila
  • “She was pretty and a good sport.”- Eric
  • “I was in a state where a chap easily turns nasty”- Eric
  • “I became at once the most important person in her life.” - Gerald
  • “We don’t live alone. We are members of one body" - Inspector Goole
  • “Public men, Mr Birling have responsibilities as well as privileges.” - Inspector Goole
  • “Burnt her insides out, of course” - Inspector Goole
  • "There are millions and millions of John Smiths and Eva Smiths" - Inspector Goole
  • "unsinkable absolutely unsinkable" - Mr Birling
  • "and if I could help her now I would" - Sheila
  • "your not the kind of father a chap could go to when he's in trouble" - Eric
  • "He certainly didn't make me confess" - Mrs Birling
  • "We are respectable citizens not criminals" - Gerald
  • " I can't accept any responsibility" - Mr Birling
  • "All mixed like bees in a hive" - shows Mr Birling socialists are like brainless animals
  • 'I consider I did my duty" - Mrs Birling
  • "fire blood and anguish" - inspector goole
  • "half shy half assertive " - Eric
  • " a rather cold woman" - Mrs Birling
  • "very pleased with life and rather excited " - Sheila